University of Akron’s Choose Ohio First scholarship is intended to entice Ohio residents to remain in the state to complete schooling in STEMM programs.
University of Akron has received a total of $1,176,000 for its Choose Ohio FIrst scholarship program. Initially started in 2009 with funding from the State of Ohio, University of Akron’s Choose Ohio First scholarship program offered financial assistance toward undergraduate degrees in STEMM for Ohio residents. With this new round of funding, the program will be expanded to offer scholarships to graduate students, who were initially excluded in the program’s first iteration.
According to an article on University of Akron’s website, Dr. Fedearia Nicholson-Sweval, who serves as the vice provost for student pathways, discussed her excitement that the program will finally work to give graduate students the same benefits it has been giving undergrads, saying, “Choose Ohio First has been an important part of UA’s strategy to provide financial, academic and personal support leading to degree completion. With over a decade of successfully supporting undergraduate students, we are pleased to partner with the Graduate School with this most recent grant award to provide financial support to graduate students."
Dr. Suzanne Bausch, who is the vice president for research and business engagement and Graduate School dean, said of the impact the program will have on the area, "Supporting those pursuing a degree in STEMM fields is crucial to the students and the future of the greater Akron community and the State of Ohio as a whole.”
The Choose Ohio First program not only focuses on retaining Ohio residents to pursue STEMM degrees in their home state, but it also aims to find students from diverse backgrounds, including those who are historically underrepresented in STEMM careers, to study in majors at University of Akron like geology, physics, nursing, and more.
Chancellor Randy Gardner from the Ohio Department of Higher Education praised University of Akron’s efforts in retaining and educating Ohio students in STEMM, saying, "The strength of Ohio's economy depends on having a skilled workforce in the STEM fields. The University of Akron has done a great job of preparing its STEM scholars, and I am pleased to have The University of Akron among the latest Choose Ohio First awardees."
For more information about University of Akron, visit the school’s website.