Andrews University receives certification from Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program for its livestock system

The certification puts Andrews University in the same category as only 5% of farms in the state that have achieved the same recognition.

Agriculture has always been an important element to Andrews University, and now the school is celebrating receiving recognition for its Sustainable Agriculture program from the Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program through the Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development.

After a lengthy three-month voluntary certification process, Andrews University has had its livestock farm certified by the program as being in accordance with environmental stewardship and responsible agriculture.

According to an article on Andrews University’s website, the chair of the Department of Sustainable Agriculture Katherine Koudele said of the department’s mission, “We want to witness to our community that we care deeply about the land, water and animals we are given custody of during the time we are here. By improving the quality of the land and water that has been given to us, we feel that we are changing the world a little bit at a time. The students that study here will be able to learn these practices and utilize them after they go to other parts of the world.”

Koudele’s sentiments are echoed in the motto of the department since its relaunch in 2015: “Educating Earth’s Caretakers.” Sustainable Agriculture has existed as a department at Andrews since the early 1900s and has gone through numerous changes as knowledge and practices change within agriculture itself.

Noting the some of these changes in how the department operates in regard to its raising of a variety of farm animals, including cattle, rabbits, chickens, and pigs, Koudele said, “We wanted to follow a different model of animal agriculture than the one the Dairy followed, which would mean fewer animals and for them to have as much access to pasture as possible. We are following environmentally friendly practices such as rotational grazing… and free range pasture.”

Koudele added, “We felt that this certification would be one more piece of evidence of our determination to maintain and continue to develop environmentally friendly practices. We believe that properly caring for the Earth is a God-given mandate, and we want to be an example and leader in obeying this mandate.”

The Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program seeks to recognize those farms that are making efforts to minimize negative impacts of pollution in the name of responsible agriculture. In checking Andrews University’s Sustainable Agriculture program, the organization sought to evaluate in categories like record keeping, manure management, and feed storage. Soil samples were also taken and an inspection of the farm was conducted by the Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development. 

Koudele says the department aims to continue focusing on sustainability and treating the environment responsibly. “We plan to keep managing the Agriculture Education Center the way we have been and that will keep us in compliance with the certification requirements. We will be reviewed every five years to assure that we are maintaining our certification.”

For more information about Andrews University, visit the school’s website.

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