Baker College’s College of Information Technology and Engineering introducing four new degree programs

The programs, which are Automation Engineering Technology, Computer Science with a concentration in Artificial Intelligence, Information Systems with a concentration in Web and Mobile Application Development, and Data Science, will launch in the Fall 2024 semester.

Baker College is introducing four new degree programs within its College of Information of Technology and Engineering in the upcoming Fall 2024 semester. The programs are designed to help students thrive in the increasingly technology focused world and within their chosen careers.

According to an article on Baker College’s website, Brian Kowalczk, who is the Dean of the College of Information Technology and Engineering, commented on the addition of these new programs, saying, “These new programs place students at the forefront of digital transformation and provide them with in-demand skills crucial for thriving in the modern workforce.”

One of the new programs, the Data Science program, awards a Master of Science upon completing the program. The Data Science program is fully online and can be completed in two years. The program’s courses will focus on data management, statistics, and computer science and will help students learn how to utilize data in the workplace.

Kowalczk said of the Data Science program, “Data science, a key component of digital transformation, is the backbone of strategic decision-making across manufacturing, technology, healthcare, and business. Our program prepares students with the tools and experience to extract meaningful insights from data that drive innovation and efficiency.”

The other three new programs are all Bachelor of Science programs. The Computer Science with a concentration in Artificial Intelligence program is another fully online program and this one will take four years to complete. Artificial intelligence is a hot topic in the current age of technology, especially when it comes to how the tool is utilized in a workplace setting. Students in this program will learn the essentials of computer science, as well as how to use artificial intelligence to solve problems that arise in everyday workplace situations.

“In 2024 we are still seeing the effects of AI disruption. AI tools are being developed and integrated rapidly into every field to enhance efficiency and decision-making, and this trend shows no signs of slowing down,” said Kowalczk.

The Automation Technology program is an in-person program that can be completed in four years. The program combines traditional engineering with up-to-date automation technology skills to help students become well-rounded in their automation and engineering knowledge. The program gives students opportunities to learn hands-on, as well as implements opportunities for students to hone their skills of maintenance, problem solving, and planning.

The Bachelor of Science in Information Science with a concentration in Web and Mobile Application Development is an online program that will take four years to complete. The program is fully online and will teach students how to build applications and websites for the variety of devices people use on a daily basis, including both front-end and back-end development.

For more information about Baker College, visit the school’s website.

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