Volunteer State Community College partners with AI software company to offer online training courses

Amesite, Inc has entered into a five-year partnership with Volunteer State Community College.

Volunteer State Community College and artificial intelligence software company Amesite, Inc have come together to offer non-degree certification and workforce development training courses. The partnership, which has been slated to last for five years, will allow Volunteer State Community College to offer up-to-date artificial intelligence courses online via Amesite.

According to an article on Volunteer State Community College’s website, Nicholas Bishop, who serves as the Vice President for Economic Development and the Regional Centers at Volunteer State Community College, was quoted as saying of the partnership and what it means for the school, “The ability to provide Artificial Intelligence and technical training programs is vital for the workforce development needs of the State of Tennessee and beyond. Vol State has partnered with Amesite to lead our communities in the adoption and utilization of AI. Delivering AI and technical programs enables us to support learners from local high school districts to local industries as they seek to improve job performance. Vol State is committed to expanding our relationships, strengthening our community engagement, promoting learner success as society begins to adapt to AI technology, and making this partnership a national example of how to achieve workforce readiness in AI.”

The four courses that Volunteer State Community College will offer via Amesite will range from two hours to 12 hours in duration and completing them will provide individuals with technical and workplace certifications that will give them the knowledge to utilize artificial intelligence within the workplace.

Dr. Ann Marie Sastry, the CEO of Amesite, said, "We are pleased to be able to partner with a growing number of colleges across the nation, including Vol State. Tennessee is among the top ten states in population growth and Amesite’s footprint in high-growth regions is a key part of our strategy. Workforce readiness is essential in the competition for talent and we are confident that Vol State will be successful in their ambitions to drive economic success for the region.”

For more information about Volunteer State Community College, visit the school’s website.

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