Indiana State University launches Sycamore Success Scholarship Fund

The fund was established by university president Mike Godard in an effort to increase freshman enrollment. The Sycamore Success Scholarship will be awarded to qualifying students who haven’t received other Indiana State scholarships.

Indiana State University has launched a new scholarship that is intended to increase freshman enrollment: the Sycamore Success Scholarship Fund. The scholarship was created by the university’s president Mike Godard and the lead gift to the fund comes from two-time Indiana State University alumna Jo Einstandig.

According to an article on Indiana State University’s website, Einstandig was quoted as saying of her decision to assist with the scholarship funding, “As a Terre Haute native and proud alumna, I have seen the university grow and advance to become the incredible institution it is today. My hope with the Sycamore Success Scholarship is that more students will have the resources to be able to seize the opportunity of learning and honing their career skills at Indiana State.”

Einstandig received her bachelor degree in business education from Indiana State University in 1961, and then went on to earn her master’s degree in business education in 1967. Throughout her career, Einstandig has worked at several school systems and as vice president at companies in the region. She has continued her relationship with Indiana State University by becoming the director of the ISU Foundation Board and by helping found the organization Ladies Tee, which fundraises for scholarships for women athletes.

Of Einstandig’s support for the university, especially her gift to the scholarship fund, Godard said, "We are incredibly grateful to Jo Einstandig for her generosity and enduring commitment to Indiana State University. The Sycamore Success Scholarship Fund will provide much-needed support to our students. With the help of donors like Jo, we are investing in the future of our university and ensuring that more young people can realize their full potential at Indiana State University.”

The Sycamore Success Scholarship Fund is intended to help combat the weakening freshmen enrollment Indiana State University says is being seen at its school as well as across the state. The scholarship will be awarded to eligible freshmen students who haven’t already received a significant scholarship from Indiana State University, hopefully enticing them to enroll. Godard and others in charge at the university intend to make the Sycamore Success Scholarship Fund a priority for the school.

Andrea Angel, who is the Vice President of the Division of University Advancement as well as the CEO of the Indiana State University Foundation, shared her gratitude to Einstandig and to Godard for making the scholarship fund a reality, saying, “Jo has been a longtime friend and advocate of Indiana State with a bold belief in our mission. Support from donors like Jo bolsters us to continue paving a path toward accessible and high-quality education for students each year at our institution. I am excited to focus on this initiative as President Godard’s vision continues to formulate for the betterment of Indiana State University in the last year of the Be So BOLD campaign.”

For more information about Indiana State University, visit the school’s website.

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