Owens Community College receives grant to help students in need

The Perrysburg Rotary Club gave $1,000 for the Center for Campus and Community Connections.

Owens Community College recently received $1,000 from the Perrysburg Rotary Club to help fund the Center for Campus and Community Connections, which includes the Harvest Food Pantry and Garden, a Career Closest and Free Store, and an Emergency Fund for students to utilize when they experience financial hardships. The need for these services is evident thanks to a 2023 survey that revealed that half of the school’s students reported experiencing food insecurity and one-fourth of the students said they had completely run out of money at least six times during the year.

According to an article on Owens Community College’s website, Krista Kiessling, who serves as the director of Campus and Community Connections, shared more about what services the Center for Campus and Community Connections provides, as well as what the money donated by the Perrysburg Rotary Club will go toward. Kiessling said, “Every single one of those dollars is going directly into a resource for a student. If that’s a box of laundry detergent that is a student’s dealbreaker that week, we’re able to stabilize that family. We want to keep sending the message that if you’re struggling, we’re here, we care, and we want to help make sure you’re accessing everything you can to succeed at Owens.”

The Perrysburg Rotary Club laid out the designations for its donation as $250 for the Harvest Food Pantry and Garden, $250 for laundry detergent and hygiene products, and $500 for the Student Emergency Assistance Fund.

Kiessling said, “Non-perishable food items are pretty easy for us to get our hands on, but cleaning supplies, hygiene items, laundry soap, that can be a little more difficult. For us to have this money to reach out to a wholesale provider and purchase that for our students is tremendously helpful.”

Opened in 2012, the food pantry at Owens Community College was the first one in the state of Ohio to be located on a college campus. While classes are in session, any student in need can access the food pantry and receive free food and hygiene items. The Career Closest and Free Store gives students access to work-appropriate business attire for job interviews or other events. Students in need are also welcome to apply for help from the Student Emergency Assistance Fund, which can give individual students up to $500 per year if they need to catch up on bills or repair their car, for example.

“Our Center is kind of like the social service hub for campus. We build relationships with the students so they know they can come forward before all heck breaks loose,” said Kiessling.

For more information about Owens Community College, visit the school’s website.

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