Andrews University designated Hispanic Serving Institution by Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities

Currently, Andrews University is the only university in Michigan to have received the designation.

Andrews University has been named a Hispanic Serving Institution by the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities. No other school in Michigan has yet received the designation. Among the reasons the school was designated as an HSI is its ethnically diverse population with roughly a quarter of students being Hispanic, offering clubs and organizations for Hispanic students, and providing scholarships to Hispanic students.

According to an article on Andrews University’s website, Pedro Navia, who serves as the chair of the Department of International Languages & Global Studies and is the sponsor of the Andrews University Latino Association, spearheaded the effort to apply for the designation of Hispanic Serving Institution. Navia explained how the designation was made, saying, “The HACU used our fall semester numbers for Hispanics enrolled at both undergraduate and graduate levels, which were between 24%–25% with a steady pattern of continued growth.”

Navia was also quoted as explaining the benefits of having the official title of Hispanic Serving Institution. He said, “Being an HACU member opens doors for undergraduate and graduate summer internships with the federal government in museums, parks, senate, congress, the IRS, immigration and many more. Hispanic students from all majors can apply and participate.”

Being named as a Hispanic Serving Institution gives Andrews University the ability to apply for certain grants that will serve Hispanic students, as well as making available scholarships, internships, and networking opportunities.

The university has made a point of celebrating the diversity of its campus, which is one of the most diverse in the country, including by celebrating Hispanic Heritage month every year. The school also has various clubs and organizations aimed at Hispanic students.

Student Amanda Orosco said, “Andrews has set up so much support for the Hispanic community that resides here. From the undergraduate and graduate clubs to even the food served at the cafeteria, I feel my culture is represented on campus, and to me, that is so comforting. It helps me feel like this is a place that I belong.”

For more information about Andrews University, visit the school’s website.

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