Two University of Mount Union students and three faculty members publish research in physics journal

Zachary Perrico and Brianna Rapp worked on object tracking research which has now been published in the October 2023 edition of The Physics Teacher journal.

Two senior students at University of Mount Union have the unique accomplishment of being nationally published undergraduate students, thanks to their research in object tracking.

According to an article on the University of Mount Union’s website, Dr. Colin Campbell, who is an associate professor of physics at University of Mount Union, discussed this great achievement by Zachary Perrico and Brianna Rapp, saying, “As a premier journal in the physics education community, The Physics Teacher is a valuable resource for physics educators in high schools, colleges and universities. Publishing in a premier peer-reviewed journal is a fantastic achievement for anyone, and it is especially formative for an undergraduate student.”

Zachary Perrico is double-majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics, and Brianna Rapp is a Physics major. The two are both minoring in Data Science and Analytics. The project Perrico and Rapp took on together is one that involves all of their expertise and studies: object tracking in a program called STEMcoding Object Tracker. The research involves forces and properties of motion.

The opportunity to pursue this research came from the University of Mount Union’s Sit Lux program. Sit Lux involves paid research opportunities during the summer with Mount Union faculty. Perrico and Rapp worked with Dr. Campbell, Dr. Katie Ritchey, who is an associate professor of Mathematics, and Heather Milliken Mercer, who teaches Biology. 

The Sit Lux program also afforded Perrico and Rapp the opportunity to present the research prior to it being published. The team presented twice: at the American Physical Society Regional Meeting and to the Ohio Council of Teachers in Mathematics.

Of the research, presentation, and publication experiences, Perrico said, “Sit Lux and STEMcoding were my first step into the world of research, and I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. The environment was welcoming and friendly and the projects were a perfect mixture of difficulty. Being published before graduate school has been a large goal of mine. I feel that I am more prepared on my path and that I have obtained a large advantage that helps me stand out as I apply to schools.”

Rapp was pleased with the experience as well. She noted, “My professors have done a great job with providing me with rigorous class work as well as giving me the skills to succeed in those classes. They have also opened doors for summer research internships. For example, I did a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) at Penn State University and Ohio State, overall preparing me well for my next adventures after undergrad.”

Dr. Campbell had kind words to say of the two and their impressive research, saying, “Seeing students grow across the course of their undergraduate education is a great joy. I know I speak for the entire interdisciplinary team of mentors, which includes professionals in the private sector and faculty at both the University of Mount Union and The Ohio State University, when I say that we’re very proud of Brianna and Zachary. I look forward to hearing about their many successes as they move on from Mount Union.”

To read the article by Perrico and Rapp in The Physics Teacher, check out the journal’s website.

For more information about the University of Mount Union, visit the school’s website.

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