Lipscomb University introduces two new distinguished professorships

The Turner Family Distinguished Visiting Professor of Public Policy and the Bill and Crissy Haslam Endowed Distinguished Visiting Professor of Faith and Reason were both established at the school this summer and are the result of gifts from family foundations.

Lipscomb University has established two new distinguished professorships this summer: the Turner Family Distinguished Visiting Professor of Public Policy and the Bill and Crissy Haslam Endowed Distinguished Visiting Professor of Faith and Reason. David A. French, a columnist for the New York Times, has assumed the role of the Turner Family Distinguished Visiting Professor of Public Policy. The search for the Haslam Distinguished Professor of Faith and Reason is underway.

The Turner Family Distinguished Visiting Professor of Public Policy was established thanks to a gift from the James Stephen Turner Family Foundation, and the person selected to fill the professorship for the next three years is David A. French, a Lipscomb University graduate and New York Times columnist.

According to an article on Lipscomb University’s website, French said of the honor of being selected as the first Turner Family Distinguished Visiting Professor, “I am profoundly honored to be appointed to this distinguished professorship and it is even more meaningful that it is at my alma mater. It offers a unique platform to deepen the civic education of our students and by extension, influence our broader community. I am committed to advancing conversations that uphold our democratic values and foster a society rooted in respect and understanding.”

The professorship was established in order to bring in people and leaders to discuss with students “topics at the intersection of faith, citizenship and public life.” In the role, French will teach courses within the College of Leadership & Public Service, participate in special events, and facilitate discussions on topics like politics and free speech.

Candice McQueen, the president of Lipscomb University, shared her thoughts about the new professorship, saying, “We are thankful to the Turner Family for their investment in Lipscomb University and their partnership through this professorship. Through this gift, together, we will have a positive impact on our community by preparing students who are informed and engaged citizens, equipped to contribute to society through respectful and meaningful participation in the democratic process. This gift establishes this vital position that will have an impact on students and our city for years to come.”

In a separate article on Lipscomb University’s website, the Bill and Crissy Haslam Endowed Distinguished Visiting Professor of Faith and Reason is described by former Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam. Haslam is quoted as saying, “Supporting Lipscomb University in establishing this endowed professorship aligns perfectly with our foundation’s mission. We believe in the power of education to transform lives and communities, and we are confident that this professorship will inspire and equip future leaders who are guided by both faith and reason. With a mission that aligns with our priorities, Lipscomb is making a significant impact in the Nashville community, in Tennessee and across the nation.”

While no one has yet been appointed to the Haslam Endowed Professorship, search efforts have begun throughout the country and someone is expected to assume the role within the upcoming school year. Whoever takes the position will examine the “intersection of faith and reason through a Christ-centered worldview” by teaching courses at the university and participating in speaking engagements and presentations in the local community.

For more information about Lipscomb University, visit the school’s website.

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