Sinclair Community College receives $2 million in federal funding in support of health sciences programs

The funding was announced on April 2nd during a campus visit from Congressman Mike Turner. The money will go toward enhancements and updates to three of Sinclair’s health sciences programs.

Sinclair Community College has received federal funding in the amount of $2 million that will be used to make improvements to its health sciences programs.

According to an article on Sinclair Community College’s website, Congressman Mike Turner said during his visit to the school’s Dayton campus during which he announced the funding, “It is my honor to be here today at Sinclair, one of the greatest places for people to get an education. This is a university dedicated not only to investing in education but also in people’s futures and their lives. One of the things that I think is so extraordinary is when you walk through Sinclair, every educational program they have is of the utmost quality. The leadership here at the school makes certain that students are appropriately trained, and they have an unbelievable, highly dedicated faculty. I have worked with Sinclair on a number of funding projects, and I want to congratulate them on the fact that they helped me be successful. They don’t just apply for federal funds and get awarded. We had to compete for these funds, and Sinclair is highly competitive nationally, both in their programs and the funding they seek. I am very proud to be a partner and to have worked with Sinclair to secure this funding.”

The funding will be used to make building renovations to benefit three of its current health sciences programs, among other uses. The Emergency Medical Services will be co-located with the Paramedic program, which will make it possible for the two programs to share equipment efficiently. Renovations for the Medical Lab Technology program will make it possible for the program to begin offering a new certificate, histotechnology. Finally, the Veterinary Technology program will receive renovations that will allow for students to simulate x-ray examinations by providing a lead-lined room for safety. 

In addition to renovations, other planned improvements include finding ways to increase enrollment for the EMT program and purchasing a mobile x-ray unit for the Veterinary Technology program so that it can travel to pet owners throughout the service area of the school’s mobile veterinary clinic and provide increased services.

Bruce Feldman, who serves as the Chair of the Board of Trustees at Sinclair Community College, spoke highly of the possibilities this funding will provide for the school and its students, saying, “Over numerous years, I’ve watched Congressman Turner work hard for our region and help our community in many ways. This federal funding will have a transformative impact on our students, health care employees, and the entire Dayton area. This funding will allow Sinclair Community College to grow the pipeline of qualified health care professionals, expand capacity in high-demand areas, offer new certificate programs, and purchase new state-of-the-art equipment mirroring the technology in real-world health care settings.”

Sinclair Community College has been a hotspot for students in the region when it comes to health sciences. The school states that more than 8,500 students have graduated from its health sciences programs in the past five years. The school also has partnerships with more than 600 area employers that have agreed to provide its students with clinical experiences that will help prepare them for the real world of a health sciences career.

Dr. Rena Sebor, Dean of the school’s Health Sciences Division, believes this funding will serve to strengthen those numbers even further. She said, “This generous federal funding represents a transformative opportunity for Sinclair. With these resources, we can enhance our Health Sciences programs and provide our students with additional cutting-edge equipment, increase the number of students in high-demand programs, and ultimately increase the number of graduates filling critical jobs with family-sustaining wages and excellent benefits.”

For more information about Sinclair Community College, visit the school’s website.

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