North Central Michigan College offering three new degree programs online

Three existing degree programs at North Central Michigan College will be available entirely online beginning this fall, a move the college says is to make degree completion more accessible to older students with families and full-time jobs.

July 2, 2021
Five Michigan Colleges receive $150,000 each through a grant from State of Michigan for Sixty by 30 initiative

The Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity and the Michigan College Access Network awarded five "Sixty by 30" grants to grow the state's highly qualified workforce.

June 30, 2021
Retired college president established Montcalm Community College Foundation scholarship

Former MCC President Robert C. Ferrentino, J.D. set up a new scholarship to help first-generation college students pursue higher education and seize opportunities.

June 30, 2021
Mid Michigan College students create three-dimensional printed model of area waterways to help prevent disaster from striking again

After severe flooding in 2020, Phi Theta Kappa members from Mid Michigan College worked with GoEngineer on a project to create a model of the region, seeking to understand how the flooding of 2020 exposed flaws in the system and what can be done to mitigate future flooding.

June 29, 2021
Michigan State University tuition increases will be offset for most families earning less than $100,000 annually

Federal funds will ease a tuition rate increase for the 2021-2022 academic year recently announced by MSU with financial assistance offered to families earning under $100,000 per year.

June 28, 2021
Kellogg Community College and Albion College enter articulation agreement

A new agreement will allow students transferring from Albion College from KCC to carry more credits over and streamline the application process and graduation requirements.

June 28, 2021
New accreditation for Respiratory Care Program at Jackson College will allow for more virtual learning, require less classroom time

The Commission on Accreditation of Respiratory Care approved Jackson College's hybrid Respiratory Care Program program which requires students to attend class just one day per week.

June 24, 2021
Henry Ford College collaborates with LIFT on Operation Next to provide advanced manufacturing education

The initiative is funded in part by the CARES Act and will provide training programs to develop a more highly-qualified manufacturing workforce in Michigan.

June 24, 2021
Dental Hygiene students from Ferris State University bring instruction to special needs students

A community outreach program through FSU brings students from the college and area schools together for education on dental hygiene techniques.

June 22, 2021
Delta College Midland Campus open for enrollment for fall 2021

The new satellite campus of Delta College is in the final stages of construction and students can now begin enrolling for fall classes in seven different programs.

June 22, 2021

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