Day of service honoring MLK Jr sees 500 student participants from Walsh University

On Monday, January 15, students participated in acts of service at 13 locations around the community.

Five hundred Walsh University students set out into their community to participate in a day of service to honor Martin Luther King, Jr. Among the acts of service students took part in were cleaning, organizing, cleaning up parks, and mentoring kids.

According to an article on Walsh University’s website, Megan Huston, who serves as the Director of Culture & Belonging at Walsh University, discussed the meaningful opportunity, saying, “This is a great opportunity to not only give back to our community, but it also provides a very meaningful and rewarding experience for our students to live and honor the life of a fellow servant leader Dr. King who led by example and inspired hope for so many.”

Toni Denmark, who is the Vice President of the Black Student Union and senior pre-med student, said, “This is not only a chance to give back to my community but to do it with my friends one last time in this way. I hope we can inspire the next generation of Walsh students to continue this tradition just as Dr. King continues to inspire us.”

Among the community sites the students were able to help out at were the Boys & Girls Club, GentleBrooke, the North Canton Library, Refuge of Hope, SAM Center, Stark Fresh, and the YMCA Canton. 

In addition to the day of service, Walsh University also encouraged its students to reflect on their own acts of kindness and grace around their communities, and invited them to participate in a university-sponsored essay contest on the subject. 

For more information about Walsh University, visit the school’s website.

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