Ferris State University scores second place in National Esports Awards

Ferris State University placed second in the category for Institution of the Year.

Ferris State University is celebrating a second-place win in the National Esports Awards in the Institution of the Year category. First place went to Idaho’s Boise State University, and third place went to another Michigan school, Northwood University.

According to an article on Ferris State University’s website, Jono Eaton, who was nominated for Program Director of the Year, said of the school’s accomplishment, “I am very pleased to have Ferris recognized as one of the top esports institutions across the globe. Kyle and I have dedicated years to the growth and polish of Ferris Esports and we are very thankful that the industry recognizes what we have built. We still have one more rung to climb and our efforts this year will show we can be No. 1 in 2024. That said, I am very proud of this accomplishment, and it wouldn’t have been possible without all the hard work and dedication from our students. I’m glad we get to continue pushing Ferris forward.” Kyle Wilkowski was a nominee in the category of Collegiate Student Leader of the Year.

The Esports program at Ferris State began in 2017 and membership has been increasing ever since, with its membership total currently sitting at around 500 students. In the fall semester of 2022, Ferris State took its Esports program a step further and began offering a Bachelor of Science in Professional Esports Production.

The university’s Center for Virtual Learning houses its Esports Arena, which was the first of its kind in the state as it was built specifically for that purpose. Up to 18 teams and additional spectators can be accommodated at once in the facility. 

For more information about Ferris State University, visit the school’s website.

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