Ashland University’s president will become CEO of Museum of the Bible when contract expires

The search for a replacement president is underway.

Ashland University's president Carlos Campo, Ph.D. will not be continuing at Ashland University and Ashland Theological Seminary when his current contract ends in May 2024. Having been with Ashland since 2015, Campo has fulfilled a number of impressive milestones within the university.

According to an article on Ashland University’s website, Campo championed and led the university’s largest and most successful campaign, “Campaign for Every Individual,” which resulted in the building of the Niss Athletic Center, residence hall renovations, and various projects to improve the appearance of campus. Among Campo’s other achievements throughout his tenure are creating new academic programs and helping to grow the Correctional Education program.

Campo will become the CEO of the Museum of the Bible in Washington, DC in June 2024. The Museum of the Bible is a museum with interactive and immersive experiences intended to help people connect with and experience the bible in a new way. 

Campo said of his departure, “My wife Karen and I are thankful to the Board at the Museum of the Bible for extending this wonderful opportunity to us. We look forward to advancing the mission of this remarkable museum in the days ahead. We also want to thank Ashland University for an amazing nine years, which we will always remember with great fondness and gratitude.”

The search for Campo’s replacement is underway.

For more information about Ashland University, visit the school’s website.

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