Schoolcraft College introduces its new mental health services program SC Be Well

SC Be Well, which launched on November 1, is a pool of resources available to all Schoolcraft College students to help maintain better mental health.

Schoolcraft College launched its new mental health aid program SC Be Well at the beginning of the month. The program is completely free to use for students of Schoolcraft College, whether they be on-campus students or those who are learning remotely.

According to an article on Schoolcraft College’s website, Dr. Laurie Kattuah-Snyder, who serves as the Chief Student Services Officer for Schoolcraft College, said of the program launch, “We’re hopeful this service becomes a valuable resource for our students and their mental health. We know our students’ academic success is dependent on having the resources they need, and we’re excited to begin offering these programs.”

Students will now have access to mental health resources through the Wellness Hub, which includes articles and videos on wellness topics, academic performance resources, and nutrition help, among other topics. In addition to the hub, students can also access a 24/7 helpline via phone, self-guided programs covering mental health and wellness, and counseling services.

Funding for the SC Be Well program was provided via a grant from the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation and the Ballmer Group. This comes through the Detroit Drives Degrees Community College Collaborative.

The Wellness Hub and more information about SC Be Well can be found at its website.

For more information about Schoolcraft College, visit the school’s website.

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