Grant from the US Department of Health and Human Services will help Grand Valley State University offer nursing simulations to students

The Kirkhof College of Nursing will partner with Corewell Health and Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services to plan and execute the new simulations.

Grand Valley State University has received $1.5 million from the US Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration. This money will be put to use funding simulation activities for nursing students who will greatly benefit from the simulation environment, according to Tricia Thomas, who is the dean of the Kirkhof College of Nursing.

According to an article on Grand Valley State University’s website, Thomas discussed the grant and the positive impact the simulations will have on the students’ education, saying, "This is really empowered education. Nursing students read material ahead of a scenario, complete the scenario and then debrief with faculty. The psychological safety of the simulation leads to a sense of belonging and really benefits a student's education."

Grand Valley State University is already home to a Simulation Center in the DeVos Center for Interprofessional Health, which includes a simulation operation and hospital suite. The grant will help equip the Simulation Center with new equipment, hire staff, and help the university and its partner organizations work together to create the new simulation scenarios.

Of the Simulation Center, Thomas stated, "Our students will have opportunities to go among two or three patient rooms and learn to make decisions about triage and patient care. Our graduates will be better prepared to care for multiple patients immediately after graduating because they have a better understanding of clinical judgment and reasoning."

The grant was awarded to GVSU in order to enhance the training students receive when it comes to being prepared to help and treat underserved and diverse populations of patients.

Simulations are expected to begin in the upcoming winter semester.

For more information about Grand Valley State University, visit the school’s website.

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