New Fast Track program at Midway University gives students opportunity to complete nursing courses faster

Midway University is introducing its new Fast Track Nursing program that will allow high school students to dual-enroll at Midway University to put them on a quicker avenue toward a career in nursing.

For high school students who have discovered their passion for nursing, they no longer need to wait to get started on their dreams if they choose to attend Midway University and take advantage of the school’s new Fast Track Nursing program.

According to an article on Midway University's website, Ashley Dudgeon, who serves as the university’s Vice President of Admissions, discussed the benefits this new program will have for area high school students who are ready to begin their nursing training: “We saw students interested in nursing coming to us ready to not only be admitted into Midway University, but also with their dual credit courses meeting the nursing requirements and ready to move straight into our nursing program. This basically cuts a semester off their timeline, a huge time and money savings for them. So, we adapted this into a streamlined program and now are spreading the word to other potential nursing students early in their high school course planning,” Dudgeon said.

The Fast Track program will cut out about a semester’s worth of courses from the expected learning timeline, giving students a shorter wait until they can begin nursing in the real world. When students earn dual credit with Midway, they will take the following courses: English, College Algebra, and an Anatomy and Physiology lab, which totals 13 credit hours. These courses are all prerequisites for the Nursing program. If students complete these courses while still in high school, when they enter Midway University as a college student, they can immediately begin their Nursing coursework, provided they are admitted to the program.

Dr. Diane Chlebowy, Dean of the School of Health Sciences at Midway University, weighed in on the new program, as well, pointing out how the Fast Track program will benefit not only students, but the local workforce: “We are pleased to offer one more pathway into nursing to help meet the critical workforce demand. This program is ideal for those students who have discovered early on that they have a calling to be a nurse and have begun the path at the high school level. Now with the Fast Track program outlined, we can work with more high school students and their families as they are making their college plans to help guide them in those critical dual credit courses they would need.”

Anyone interested in checking out the Fast Track program can do so at the program’s page on the school’s website, and more general information about Midway University can be found on the school’s website as well.

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