University of Kentucky senior awarded Astronaut Scholarship

Isha Chauhan was awarded the prestigious Astronaut Scholarship on the heels of completing a research internship in Germany.

Asha Chauhan, a senior student at University of Kentucky from LaGrange, Kentucky, has been given two major recognitions for her outstanding work in science research. Since high school, Chauhan has been pursuing her interests in science, and has been an active participant in a number of science-related projects and activities during her time at the University of Kentucky.

Over the summer, Chauhan was awarded a spot in the DAAD’s RISE internship program. The German program takes students from the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom to study in their field in Germany. The fields included in the program are all science-related: engineering, earth sciences, physics, biology, and chemistry. Cuahan was able to study veterinary science at a German research institution, one of only 300 students chosen to participate.

In addition to the internship, Chauhan was also recognized as an Astronaut Scholar. The scholarship, administered by The Astronaut Scholarship Foundation, gives STEM students up to $15,000. The Astronaut Scholarship Foundation began in 1984 under the Mercury Astronauts. The goal of the nonprofit is to provide scholarships for US students in STEM in order to champion the US in science and technology.

These recognitions are not the only impressive pieces of Chauhan’s resume. She is also the co-founder of the University of Kentucky’s Undergraduate Science Journal Club, a 2022 Goldwater Scholar, and a Gaines Fellow. Currently, Chauhan is studying cholesterol disorders in the School of Medicine. When she graduates with her bachelor degree, she plans to continue her studies and work with wildlife animals.

In an article on the University of Kentucky’s website about her accomplishments, Chauhan was quoted as saying, “These awards have given me the opportunity to connect with diverse groups of people and develop cross-cultural relationships. I am so thankful to have received the chance to explore my future career through these unique experiences.”

Additionally, Chauhan credits her advisor Gregory Graf and her instructors for her success and continued interest in her field: “I am very thankful for his mentorship and guidance throughout my four years at UK. Moreover, all of my professors at UK have been extraordinary and have encouraged me in many ways. I am grateful to be surrounded by their support.”

For more information about the University of Kentucky, visit the school’s website.

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