Indiana University Southeast partnership with Novaparke launches with surprise announcement

Indiana University’s partnership with Novaparke Innovation and Technology Campus launched recently with the announcement that the Novaparke campus’ first tenant company will be the space infrastructure company Redwire Corporation.

The partnership between Indiana University Southeast and the Novaparke Innovation and Technology Campus grew deeper on Tuesday, July 11. The formal ribbon cutting event marking the official opening of Noveparke for business also held a surprise announcement that the first tenant company would be Redwire Corporation.

The partnership between IU Southeast and the Floyd County Commissioners was first created back in September of 2019. The agreement calls for faculty and students from both IU Southeast’s School of Natural Sciences and School of Business to provide instruction and consultation on the creation of laboratory operations, pitch competitions, and the development of business plans for technology companies in their early stages, and entrepreneurs.

Since the start of the MOU, the former Beams and O’Brien family farms have initiated renovations of the Conference Center and the Whistlestop farmhouse as well as a completion of a new railroad flyover bridge and new entrance to access the property from Indiana Highway 64. The renovations, once finished, will convert the barn spaces into office areas, laboratories, and a conference space. The property, which covers 60 acres, will contain up to 16 commercial lots.

In addition, Our Southern Indiana Regional Development Authority has been working on gathering funding for the project, such as a $2.9 million grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration, and $4.2 million READI Grant from the Indiana Economic Development Corporation.

In an article posted on Indiana University Southeast’s website, Chancellor Debbie Ford, who appeared in her first off campus event in her role at Southeast, talked about the partnership, saying, “IU Southeast is dedicated to student success and our 2030 strategic plan is laser-focused on educating the next generation of talent. By partnering with Novaparke, we will provide our students with invaluable opportunities to cultivate their entrepreneurial mindset and acquire practical experience for this evolving knowledge economy.”

Ford noted the work of former interim chancellor Kelly Ryan, Interim Vice Chancellor for Advancement, Alumni and External Affairs Joe Glover, former dean of the School of Natural Science Elaine Haub, Sharon Allen from the School of Business, Dean David Eplion, and EVCAA Uric Dufrene as leaders in getting the partnership going. 

Ford also noted that she had previously worked as the founding president of the Kenosha Innovation Neighborhood prior to joining the IU Southeast team. She went on to say that “innovation is the engine that propels progress and drives societal development. Through our collaboration with Novaparke, we will create a vibrant ecosystem that nurtures creativity, encourages interdisciplinary collaboration, and supports cutting-edge research.”

She also talked about the services that are provided by IU Southeast that would include pre-accelerator consultation services both to students and the public, but also through activities such as an introduction to business-related services including human resources, legal, and accounting, prototype development, market validation, and business plan development.

“IU Southeast will provide entrepreneurial workshops and consultation services to tenants in Novaparke’s STEAM Incubator facility. By integrating academic knowledge with real-world opportunities, our students will gain a deeper understanding of the practical application of their studies, making them better prepared and ready to lead,” she said.

David Eplion, who serves as the dean of the School of Business, weighed in as well, saying “The IU Southeast School of Business is extremely excited to partner with Novaparke. The most vibrant communities across our country have a strong entrepreneurial core. One key to developing that core is to have business, government, and higher education collaborate.  Novaparke is a glowing example of this type of partnership.”

He went on to talk about the benefits the facility will bring, saying, “This facility will allow the faculty and students of IU Southeast to work with budding entrepreneurs and small business owners from all over our entire service region.  We look forward to helping these businesses grow and to developing enduring relationships with them as we work together to ensure our community thrives.”

Redwire Corporation is a leader in infrastructure for the next generation of space economy. They announced that they will invest $8.9 million in a new 35,000 square foot facility that will contain the new Redwire location in addition to the Floyd County Innovation Lab space. Redwire also pledged another $6.7 million in new investments. Construction of the facility will begin this fall, and the new space is expected to open in early 2025.

In addition to being a leader in space infrastructure, Redwire also has valuable intellectual property in space 3D printing and manufacturing as well as in solar power generation. Redwire’s Senior Vice President, John Vellinger, said that the company plans to provide “opportunities for microgravity research, in-space manufacturing, and development of new technologies.”

Vellinger also talked about recent developments in the creation of human tissue like meniscus tissue using 3D printing in a low gravity environment on the International Space Station, saying, “That’s an Indiana entrepreneur’s innovation at the International Space Station. This is just one example of some of the groundbreaking work that Redwire has accomplished.” 

After the ribbon cutting ceremony, Ford talked about the importance of partnerships between public and private partners, higher education, and the government at all levels, saying, “I am very impressed with the high levels of collaboration, and the vision for Novaparke. IU Southeast is thrilled to be a part of advancing big ideas, leveraging expertise, and creating this innovation ecosystem where we will live, work, learn, and play. Together, we can forge a future defined by progress, creativity, and prosperity.”

More information about Indiana University Southeast can be found at the school’s website.

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