Mott Community College introduces new series of summer education for younger students

Mott Community College’s MOTT NEXT youth programing will take place over the summer for students in grades 3-12 with a number of camps covering a variety of topics.

This summer, Mott Community College will host a series of free one-, two-, and three-day, and one-week programs for youth called MOTT NEXT. Kids from 3rd to 12th grade are welcome to sign up and will be allowed to explore various degree programs and careers.

In an article from the Bear Advisory, Mott Community College’s Executive Director of Student Academic Success, Carla Clark, talked about the MOTT NEXT program, saying, “We are excited about this year’s MOTT NEXT pre-college programs. It is a great cross-section of careers and degree programs giving students a variety of options.” 

The below listed are the available MOTT NEXT sessions:

FabLab Workshop takes place on June 26 from 9am until 2pm and is available for kids in grades 8-12. The students will have access to a laser fabrication workshop and will get to build a project cut with the laser. It is free and takes place on Mott Community College’s main campus.

Music Tech Day takes place on June 30 from 9am until noon and is available for kids in grades 8-12. Students will get to create music through loops, sequencing, and MIDI interfaces, as well as learn about recording audio using industry standard hardware and software. It takes place on the school’s main campus and is free.

Pig Lungs (Respiratory Therapy) takes place on June 30 from 9am until noon for students in grades 5-8, and from 1pm until 4pm for students in grades 9-12. Students will get the opportunity to participate in the dissection of pig lungs and hearts. The pigs will be provided from a local butcher and have no chemical preservatives in them. Students will learn the physiology and anatomy of the upper and lower airway as well as the heart. The class will take place on the school’s main campus and is free.

Media Arts and Entertainment Technology takes place on July 7 from 9am until noon for grades 8-12. Students will be exposed to how cameras, lighting, green screens, and computers are used to make special effects for television shows and movies. It takes place on the school’s main campus and is free. 

STEM Exploration Camp takes place from July 10 until the 14th from 8:30am until 3:30pm for students in grades 9-12. The camp will introduce students to various areas of STEM, one each day, such as biology, chemistry, math & physics, psychology, and forensic science. The camp takes place on the school’s main campus and is free.

CSI for grades 7-12 takes place from July 17 until the 19th from 8:30am until 2:30pm. CSI for grades 3-6 takes place on July 20 and 21 from 8:30am until 2:30pm. Students will get to explore all areas of CLOS at the Southern Lakes Branch Center- Fenton, and it is free.

More information about MOTT NEXT and registration, as well as information about Mott Community College in general, can be found on the school’s website.

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