Ferris State University hosts inaugural Alpha Alpha Alpha induction ceremony

Ferris State University inducted 27 students and six faculty and staff into the Tri Alpha National Honor Society in late April.

In late April, Ferris State University held a tribute celebrating the excellence of first-generation students during the first Tri Alpha National Honor Society induction ceremony. 

The Director of First Generation Initiatives in Ferris’ College of Retention and Student Services, David McCall, is himself a first-generation FSU alum. He noted that Ferris State University is only the third higher education institution in Michigan to establish an Alpha Alpha Alpha chapter, which was founded five years ago at Moravian University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

In an article posted on Ferris State University's website, McCall talked about the school’s commitment to first-generation students, which is expanded by the addition of Alpha Alpha Alpha, saying, “We are glad to be part of the intentional effort to recognize and celebrate these students, as their stories of perseverance and achievement are most worthy of support and attention. Ferris is building on a commitment to the first-generation student when any alumnus, faculty or staff member, or other friends of the university offers themselves in mentorship roles to assist these young adults on their journey to professional lives and opportunities for leadership.”

One first-generation student, Lianna Moodie, a finance major minoring in Spanish, was awarded the Outstanding First-Generation Award. An instructional designer and technologist in the Extended and International Operations’ eLearning program, Angela Buys, was named Outstanding First-Generation Advocate, as well.

McCall spoke highly about Moodie, saying, “Lianna is a native of Jamaica and vice president of our first-generation registered student organization. She is a great volunteer and friend to our program, and we are proud of her success earning Deans’ List honors while making herself available to promote the success of her peers.”

Six faculty and staff and 27 students were inducted as active members of Alpha Alpha Alpha. McCall highlighted the accomplishment of being inducted to the honor society, and the school’s commitment to first-generation students, saying, “We are very pleased to establish Ferris’ Tri-Alpha chapter with this group. Our application process and organizational growth should find a larger class of inductees in the spring of 2024, as we continue with emphasis to identify and encourage first-generation student success.”

More information about Ferris State University can be found at the school’s website.

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