Dr. Eric Fuchs of Eastern Kentucky University elected Distinguished Fellow by the National Academies of Practice

The National Academies of Practice elected Dr. Eric Fuchs of Eastern Kentucky University a Distinguished Fellow in the Athletic Training Academy due to his excellent academic work.

Dr. Eric Fuchs, a professor of athletic training, was honored in early April by the National Academies of Practice (NAP) and elected a Distinguished Fellow in the Athletic Training Academy. Dr. Fuchs was recognized and honored during the induction ceremony in Washington, D.C. as part of the Class of 2023 Fellows.

Dr. Fuchs has been teaching at Eastern Kentucky University for the past 18 years. He has expertise in athletic training education, wound care, and emergency care of critically injured athletes. 

In an article about being honored on Eastern Kentucky University’s website, Dr. Fuchs was quoted as saying, “My nomination and selection as a Fellow in the National Academies of Practice for athletic training is an incredible honor. My work to improve interprofessional education, interprofessional practice of athletic trainers and teaching athletic training has always been about achieving the best outcomes for my patients and my students’ future patients. It is humbling to be recognized alongside other Fellows across all of the healthcare professions represented in the NAP.”

The National Academies of Practice was founded in 1981 as an organization to advise governmental bodies on the healthcare system. The NAP represent several academies and healthcare professions, such as veterinary medicine, speech language pathology, social work, respiratory care, psychology, podiatric medicine, physical therapy, pharmacy, optometry, occupational therapy, nursing, dentistry, audiology, athletic training, and osteopathic and allopathic medicine.

The NAP extends the honor of Distinguished Fellow to people who have dedicated themselves to furthering interprofessional practice, policy, and scholarship in support of interprofessional care and who have excelled in their profession. 

Dr. Fuchs currently works as a professor in the Department of Parks, Recreation, Exercise, and Sports Science within the College of Health Sciences at Eastern Kentucky University. The department offers a number of academic degrees such as the bachelor of science in exercise and sport science with the option of a concentration in pre-athletic training.

More information about Eastern Kentucky University can be found at the school’s website.

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