Purdue University boasts high rankings in the new 2023-24 U.S. News and World Report rankings

Many of the various STEM programs at Purdue University maintained high rankings or rose in their ranks after the release of the new U.S. News and World Report national graduate school rankings.

Recently, the 2023-24 U.S. News and World Report national graduate school rankings were released and saw Purdue’s College of Engineering ranked at number four out of 220 for the third year running. The top four schools were MIT, Stanford, the University of California - Berkeley, and Purdue.

Purdue saw other programs highly ranked, as well, such as Agricultural and Biological Engineering ranking number one for the third year running, and Analytical Chemistry ranking number one as it has for several years.

The Computer Science department at Purdue has seen a strong showing in the ranking with a new area ranking in AI, a 13th ranking in Programming Languages, and a rise to number 14 in Systems. Purdue’s Mathematical Analysis program has also ranked at number 20.

The newest initiative at the school is Purdue Computes, which has worked to elevate all of the computing programs at Purdue into the top 10. Purdue Computes has brought together Computer Engineering and Computer Science and represents a $50-million investment to grow the semiconductor facilities at Purdue and launch an Institute of Physical AI, which is focusing on areas of computing that are crucial for the local and national scientific communities.

In an article on Purdue’s website, Arvind Raman, the John A. Edwardson Dean of the College of Engineering, was quoted on the high rankings, saying, “These rankings reflect the success of our collective research enterprise across Purdue – from record research expenditures, graduate student selectivity and numbers, along with investments in major centers.” 

Provost Patrick Wolfe was also quoted, saying, “Along with substantial investments in a reimagined School of Business that plays to our strengths in analytics and engineering, and an expansion into Indianapolis that is strategically focused on these same areas, these latest in a long line of strong STEM rankings highlight our relentless pursuit of scholarly excellence at scale.”

A handful of engineering programs at Purdue were also ranked highly, including Aerospace (sixth), Civil Engineering (seventh), Electrical, Industrial, and Mechanical Engineering (all eighth), and Computer Engineering (10th). Other engineering programs were ranked just beyond 10th: Materials Engineering (13th), Environmental Engineering (12th), and Nuclear Engineering (11th).

The Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business at Purdue has steadily risen in the rankings with Supply Chain Management at ninth, Project Management at seventh, and Production Operations ranked third. One of the fastest growing programs at Purdue, Business Analytics, was ranked 12th.

Purdue’s Veterinary Medicine program, which sees high student demand and looks to increase its enrollment by 50%, saw its nationwide ranking climb two stops to 11th. 

Purdue President Mung Chiang spoke on these rankings, saying, "While all rankings are limited and noisy, Purdue’s excellence at scale is reflected in part in the recent graduate rankings, with top-ranked programs across multiple departments. We thank our faculty, staff and students for always aiming at ‘one brick higher’ in scholarly excellence.” 

More information about Purdue University can be found at the school’s website.

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