Four Midway University Sport Management students win award for infographic presentation at conference

Four Midway University students attended the Midwest Business Administration Association International Society of Marketing Conference to present their work "Sports Infographics and Knowledge Translation: Mobilizing Economic Impact Data to Build Student Skills, Share Research Impacts and Enable Sport Development,” and won the conference’s Best Sports and Experiential Marketing Presentation Award.

Recently at the Midwest Business Administration Association International Society of Marketing Conference, four Midway University students and their professor won the Best Sports and Experiential Marketing Presentation Award. The students were Cassidy Schrecongost, Luke Logan, Jacob Kocis, and Louisa Garcia. They were led by Associate Professor of Sport Management Dr. Jeb Gorham. The conference took place in Chicago.

The peer reviewed work called "Sports Infographics and Knowledge Translation: Mobilizing Economic Impact Data to Build Student Skills, Share Research Impacts and Enable Sport Development" was presented by the students at the conference.

In an article on the University’s website, Dr. Gorham was quoted on his pleasure at his students’ results, saying, “I am so proud of the accomplishments of these students. The faculty and practitioner audience at our presentation was very impressed by the initiative and professionalism of our students.” 

The Sport Management program at Midway University has spent the past two years gathering economic impact data in partnership on a research project with the Kentucky Interscholastic Cycling League. Dr. Gorham’s endowed Botkin Professorship with the University has been working with the results from this research. Over the past two years, the study looked at 432 surveys from middle and high school families who are Kentucky Interscholastic Cycling League mountain bike racers over the course of nine events across Kentucky. This year, the study is looking to conduct surveys at five more racing events during the fall.

The Kentucky Interscholastic Cycling League as well as its host communities and teams have been using the gathered data to engage new trail systems as event hosts, build advocacy programs, and leverage sponsorships. The practical applications of the research have been focused on taking big data sets and simplifying the information by making meaningful infographics. The infographics are used to look for impactful opportunities for the league and its members.

Jacob Kocis said of the presentation, “Presenting successfully to high-level professionals has given me an increased confidence in my education and revamped my desire to learn.”

More information about Midway University can be found at the school’s website.

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