New River Community and Technical College to begin “Fantastic Fridays” writing workshop

Author Belinda Anderson is adding a new writing workshop called Fantastic Fridays after the success of the Fun Fridays Workshop. New and experienced writers will get a chance to improve their writing.

New River Community and Technical College has added another writing workshop onto author Belinda Anderson’s “Fun Fridays” series with the new “Fantastic Fridays.” The class will begin this April and will be offered virtually through a conference call. 

The “Fantastic Fridays” workshop is a new focus of the successful “Fun Fridays” writing workshop series led by Anderson and run through the school. According to Anderson in an article from WVNS, “Students will find their expression of their creativity expanding by exploring fantastical elements.”

Belinda Anderson is an experienced teacher and the author of four books. In the workshop she will present several different writing concepts and techniques, as well as playful prompts which will help spark ideas for both new and experienced writers of both nonfiction and fiction. 

She spoke about the workshop, saying, “It’s an hour of fun intended to inject energy into new and ongoing projects. Writers will find new doors opening and maybe some windows, too. Scientific studies have shown that creative play can create new neural pathways in the brain. Author Kurt Vonnegut advised, ‘Practice any art…to experience becoming, to find out what’s inside you.’”

The “Fantastic Fridays” workshop will meet for three weeks starting at 10 am. The class will meet on an audio-only conference call, which will be able to be accessed either by telephone or an internet conference call option. Because of the telephone option, having reliable high speed internet is not required to participate. 

The conference calls will last an hour and time will be set aside for participants to ask questions and share their work. There will also be an opportunity to have an email follow up with Anderson. The workshop is open to new writers as well as experienced writers. Students who have participated in “Fun Fridays” will experience new material in the “Fantastic Fridays” course.

The tuition for the class is set at $75. Interested students have until April 5, 2023 to register. Those who do register will be emailed the conference call number and access codes once they have paid for the class. 

More information about New River Community and Technical College can be found at the school’s website.

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