Rhodes State College’s Agriculture Technology Program Receives $100,000 from Nutrien

Canadian fertilizer company has donated $100,000 to Rhodes State College’s Agriculture Technology program. The funds will go toward construction of labs used to study soil, fertilizers, and more.

Nutrien is making a $100,000 donation to Rhodes State College to help fund its new Agriculture Technology program. The money will go toward the construction of a set of labs called the Nutrien Agronomy Suite. The suite will be located inside of the James J. Countryman building. 

The new Agriculture Technology programs will allow students to have hands-on experience with technology and equipment currently being used in the field.

Dr. Cynthia Spiers, president of Rhodes State College, spoke with Hometown Stations about the program. In the interview, Dr. Spiers said, "They will be looking at soil samples, they will look at, you know, different soils and different types of fertilizers and how those impact plants at different stages of the growth process. There's a difference between a 2-week and 3-week growth process and trying to find the elements that will make for the highest level of yield on those crops."

Dr. Spiers also noted the significance of the donation toward the school’s funding goal, saying, “With Nutrien’s $100,000 commitment today, the Rhodes State Educate Collaborate Innovate Major Gifts campaign is at 48% of its $8 million goal. We thank Nutrien and all of the amazing people, companies and organizations who are a part of this campaign, which is leading Rhodes State College into its next 50 years.”

Nutrien, a Canadian fertilizer company, made the donation because they say the program fits their vision of what sustainable agriculture, inclusivity, and environmental stewardship should be. Also speaking with Hometown Stations was Todd Sutton, general manager at Nutrien Lima Nitrogen, who said, "Ohio's largest industry is agriculture and these students are the future. Sustainable agriculture is what we need to feed the 10 billion people expected by 2050 but to do it in a responsible manner that's good for the environment."

Currently, there are 22 students enrolled in Rhodes State College’s Agriculture Technology program. More information on the program can be found here.

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