St. Clair County Community College to offer “fast path” classes

St. Clair County Community College is offering fast path classes, classes that cover the same material as regular classes but at a quicker pace, to students and members of the community who either want to gain more credits more quickly, or explore other areas of interest without the time commitment of normally paced classes.

Students wishing to move more quickly than the normal college path allows can now enroll in what St. Clair County Community College is calling fast path classes this fall semester.

These fast path classes are designed so that students can earn credits in both general education and degree required classes more speedily than the standard classes. Students can enroll in classes in biology, earth science, math, political science, sociology, statistics, business, French, history, and more. Both eight- and twelve-week courses are available.

Voice News quoted Jessica Brown, who is St. Clair County Community College’s executive director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Student Recruitment, Advising, and Admissions, on who might be interested in this style of class: “Whether you’re a student interested in earning credits toward your degree or transfer pathway faster, or you’re a community member interested in taking a course of interest to learn and grow, our fast-path courses are a fantastic option,” Brown said.

Some examples of specific classes available this semester on the fast path model are World Regional Geography,  Art Appreciation, Astronomy of the Solar System, Business Law, Class Piano I, Cybersecurity Essentials, Professional Selling, Viewing the Earth From Space and African-American History to 1877. The school wants to offer classes that are useful both for people looking to move forward in their career path, as well as for people who are looking to find a new passion.

Anyone interested in these classes can find all the information on St. Clair County Community College’s website.

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