Logan County Board of Education approves dual credit courses for the 2022-23 school year

The Logan County Board of Education has approved twenty two courses for dual credit in the 2022-23 school year. These classes are free to high school students and will be held through Marshall University and Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College.

The Logan County Board of Education approved almost two dozen dual credit college courses for the 2022-23 school year at a special session on August 3. Two of the courses are through Marshall University in Huntington West Virginia, while the other twenty are through Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College.

These classes will be free to high school students and are set to be paid by the supplemental federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund III. That money was provided by the CARES act approved by congress in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Any number of students may participate in these courses, and material like textbooks are also provided by Logan County Schools through the partnerships with Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College and Marshall University.

Dr. Pat Joe White, President of the Logan County Board of Education, was quoted in the Logan Banner encouraging students to take advantage of these courses. “Honest and truly, when you look down through these courses and you think back to the ancient times when some of us were in college, some of these courses that are listed here were junior-level courses at that time. So what I’m saying is, if someone, if a student wants to take the initiative and go on and take these dual credit courses, they would be wise to because it’ll put them several years ahead.”

Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College will be offering classes in a variety of subjects including English Composition One and Two, American History, General Psychology, Human Anatomy & Physiology, Biology, College Math, and more. A full list can be found here. All of the classes will be held on the school’s Logan campus

Marshall University is offering two English classes which with be held online.

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