Medina County Career Center instructor and chef named number one teacher in the county

Chef Tony Stanislo, instructor in the Chef & Restaurant Management program at Medina County Career Center, was recently awarded the Homer B. Smith award recognizing excellence in teaching in Medina County.

The 2021 Homer B. Smith Teacher of Excellence Award was recently bestowed upon Medina County Career Center instructor Tony Stanislo by the Educational Service Center (ESC) of Medina County. Stanislo is known for not only his instruction, but also for his community involvement and his leadership at MCCC. The annual award comes with a plaque displayed at the ESC office and an all-expenses-paid trip to a national conference of the winner's choosing. Stanislo has been teaching at MCCC since 2000 and received praise from administrators with the announcement of the award.

In a press release from ESC, details of Stanislo's career and impact on the community and his students are provided. Stanislo's classroom is described as welcoming and inclusive and his activity outside the classroom is focused on community service through events like Taste of Medina, Feeding Medina County, the Chocolate Festival, and the annual From the Heart Dinner, which has raised more than $75,000 over the years for scholarships for MCCC students. As classes and activities have been postponed, modified, or canceled throughout the pandemic, Stanislo made use of technology to keep students engaged. He organized virtual "cook-a-longs", which allowed students to pick up boxes of supplies on campus and prepare meals at home with live-streaming instruction.

As part of the Chef & Restaurant Management program, students and faculty at MCCC operate the Center Cafe, which is undergoing renovations while closed due to COVID-19, as reported by The Gazette. Stanislo spoke about the remodel saying, "It will be floor-to-ceiling, wall-to-wall." He noted that when finished the Center Cafe space will be nearly doubled. In addition to the Center Cafe, students participate in catering events in preparation for their careers. Stanislo talked about what makes his position professionally rewarding saying, "It's so fulfilling. It's the outcomes. The successes. The bonds we've built over the years." He added of the students who complete the program, "They come out of here as real good line cooks. They can work their way up the chain from there."

As The Gazette reports, one of Stanislo's former students is area chef Ryan Marino at Corkscrew Saloon. Stanislo told The Gazette that when he began his time at MCCC the restaurant scene in the area was small, leading him to wonder where his students would work upon graduation. He says now, though, that there are many great restaurants in the area, and many of his former students play key roles in those businesses.

The Gazette also reported that Stanislo was nominated for the award by Superintendent Steve Chrisman and Principal Tresa Goodwin. Chrisman said of Stanislo, "He's a superstar. I've never seen such dedication to his craft, students and his community. I'm blown away."

In a news release from MCCC, Stanislo said, "I am humbled by the nomination from our school's leadership for this honor. I am also humbled that through the hundreds of educational staff throughout Medina, this pan flipper turned teacher has been selected by Medina County ESC. I do not give great acceptance speeches, not for the lack of gratitude I feel for this honor, but for the fact that I lose my words. Success is nurtured by your surroundings, MCCC is an amazing school filled with amazing educational people."

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