Edison State Community College Student Senate organizes annual "Float, Learn, and Feast" event

A group of faculty, staff, and students joined a local nonprofit for a day on the Great Miami River to learn about water conservation and area wildlife.

The Student Senate at Edison State Community College organized the "Float, Learn, and Feast" trip down the Great Miami River which took place on April 23. The nearly 20 participants launched at Roadside Park using Edison State kayaks purchased through the Down a River, Down a Beer Festival (DARDAB) fundraiser. The kayakers made their way downstream, learning about the Great Miami River watershed, its wildlife, and cleanup efforts from Jeff Lange, Founder of Protecting Our Water-Ways (POWW), who has joined the group all four years of the annual event.

A news release from Edison State provides details of the event and the history of POWW. Started in 2004, Lange states that in 17 years the organization has removed more than 194,000 pounds of trash along the sixteen-mile stretch of river that it cares for. He explains how the cleanup effort has improved community access to the resource as a place for physical activity and environmental education.

"As POWW got more involved and started getting more and more trash out the river, Piqua and other communities started seeing what a beautiful natural resource the river is. The Miami Conservancy District has always been a sponsor of activities on the river. These activities on the river are now flourishing because people realize it is beneficial to have your people in your towns enjoy your natural amenity and this river is a beautiful natural amenity. More people are kayaking, canoeing, stand-up boarding, fishing, wading, and even tubing in it. We're happy to be here today and to have this group have fun in it," Lange said.

The kayaks used by the student, faculty, and staff participants were purchased with funds raised by DARDAB. Lange explains the annual fundraiser saying, "DARDAB is a festival for drinking really good beers and ales from around the world. Proceeds from the event go back to the community, specifically to higher education institutions. Edison State Community College and Upper Valley Career Center have been recipients of kayaks and equipment through DARDAB."

According to DARDAB's website, the organization has donated over $25,000 to POWW and local community colleges since 2014. This year's fundraiser is scheduled for August 14.

The trip down the Great Miami River ended at the Great Miami River Trail near Bridge Street with a box lunch provided by Susie's Big Dipper. Participants also listened to a presentation from Manager of Watershed Partnerships for the Miami Conservancy District, Dr. Sarah Hippensteel Hall.

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