The new degree completion programs join a handful of options offered by the university to adult learners to enhance the regional workforce, a main goal of the university’s Calvin's Vision 2030 strategic plan.
Calvin University is introducing two new degree completion programs to help adult learners finish up bachelor degrees they have started but never finished. The two new programs, Applied Leadership and Human Services, are interdisciplinary and career-focused, providing adult learners with the ability to potentially move up their career ladders.
According to an article on Calvin University's website, associate provost Kevin den Dulk is quoted as saying of the introduction of degree completion programs, “Calvin University's mission has always been rooted in serving a diverse range of learners, equipping them for leadership and service. These new programs reflect our ongoing commitment to opening doors for adult students, helping them overcome barriers and achieve their academic and professional goals.”
The new programs are aimed at working adults who have begun working toward a bachelor degree but have never completed them. The programs have been designed to be accessible to students who have jobs, families, and myriad other responsibilities that may otherwise keep them from continuing to pursue their education. The hybrid model of the classes will require the student to be on campus only once a week, during the evening, with their fellow cohort, while other classwork can be completed online and asynchronously, allowing the classes to fit into the learners’ busy schedules.
“We understand the value of networks and learning from each other, especially in adult learner communities, where students bring so much prior learning to the classroom. While much of the coursework can be done on a student’s own time during the week, having a place-based aspect will deepen the experience and facilitate interpersonal connections,” said Abbie Lipsker, the university’s director of continuing studies.
Students who will benefit from these programs are those who have already completed 60 college credits. These students will be able to finish their bachelor degree in Applied Leadership or Human Services in about two and a half years, following the completion program’s year round schedule.
“I’ve seen how earning a bachelor’s degree can impact the lives of adult learners. From enhanced career opportunities to personal dream fulfillment and a more expansive view of the world, earning a BA can set whole families on a better trajectory,” said Lipsker.
For more information about Calvin University, visit the school’s website.