Central Ohio Technical College introduces new Associate of Arts Pathway

Beginning in the Fall 2024 semester, students will be able to take the Associate of Arts in Education concentration to complete the first two years of a bachelor degree.

Central Ohio Technical College has launched a new pathway program: the Associate of Arts in Education concentration. The program is joining the roster of seven other similar programs that award an Associate of Arts degree and are intended to meet the requirements of the first two years of a bachelor degree program.

According to an article on Central Ohio Technical College’s website, Kelley Gaynier, who teaches early childhood education programming at Central Ohio Technical College as well as being a fourth grade teacher, said of the necessity of earning a degree if an individual wants to pursue a career in education, “Teaching is a continually changing and growing job. It’s a job that requires you to be able to think on your feet. You build connections with students; you watch them grow. Having a degree in education allows you to teach several grades and increases your flexibility, making it easier to get a job.”

The new program is designed for anyone who intends to pursue a bachelor’s degree in education, but particularly for students who are already working in childcare, as a teacher’s aide, or an assistant, and who want to make the leap to teaching in a K-12 setting. The Associate of Arts in Education concentration will provide students with credits that will easily transfer throughout Ohio so students can seamlessly continue on to earn a bachelor’s degree while taking advantage of the cost savings that come along with not attending a four-year school straight away.

There is currently an increased need for teachers in the state of Ohio, and pursuing an Associate of Arts in Education degree will put students on the path toward filling the gaps in K-12 schools.

Diana Reece, the program’s director, was quoted as saying, “A degree can open opportunities to lead teaching positions in the classroom, positions in administration, and a pathway to exploring other related careers, including an intervention specialist or curriculum developer.”

For more information about Central Ohio Technical College, visit the school’s website.

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