Benefactors of Marshall University continue financial support with $2 million gift

Jim Smith and Pam Kushmerick have donated a total of $4 million to the Marshall For All project and $150,000 to various other scholarships, programs, and foundations at the university.

Marshall University has received a second gift from longtime benefactors Jim Smith and Pam Kushmerick, who initially established the Marshall For All program in 2023. The couple’s second donation toward the program will financially support a second cohort of students who will take advantage of the program beginning in the Fall 2024 semester.

According to an article on Marshall University’s website, Ginny Painter, who serves as the university’s chief of staff, explained the success of the first cohort of Marshall For All, saying, “The first 100 Marshall For All students have proven that by Marshall removing a financial barrier and providing wrap-around support services, the university’s students of greatest need are showing higher grade point averages and are being retained in college at rates higher than their peers who are not in the program. Ultimately, this means higher graduation rates, improved economic prospects for individuals, and economic benefits for the region through a better-educated workforce.”

The goal of the Marshall For All program, which the couple helped fund when the program first began, is to give Marshall University students the ability to earn their education with as little debt as possible. The program aims to help students find grants, scholarships, work study opportunities, and family contributions in order to not have to rely on student loans. In order to participate in the Marshall For All program, students need to fill out the FAFSA annually, participate in work study, and take financial literacy courses. 

The program will continue to expand in the coming years, and the eventual goal is to give all Marshall students the opportunity to attend school debt-free. The first cohort of the program focused on new West Virginia residents.

Brad D. Smith, president of Marshall University, said, “Jim and Pam are changing lives and writing history with their incredible gifts to our institution. They are helping the next generation create their own Marshall moments.”

Jim Smith graduated from Marshall University in 1981 after having received a scholarship for football, and went on to become the president and CEO of media company Thomson Reuters. He is also a member of the Marshall University Board of Governors and was inducted into the College of Business Hall of Fame.

Dr. Ron Area, the CEO of the Marshall University Foundation, had kind words for Jim Smith and Pam Kushmerick, saying, “Jim and Pam’s generosity marks a pivotal moment for Marshall. Their gifts will revolutionize our university. We’re deeply grateful for their vision and commitment to making Marshall a better place for everyone.”

In addition to their financial support of the Marshall For All program, the couple has also helped fund various scholarships and has contributed to the John Deaver Drinko Academy and the Marshall Collegiate Recovery Program.

For more information about Marshall University, visit the school’s website.

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