Funding approved for Northern Michigan University’s Northern Enterprise Center

Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed a supplemental appropriations bill on December 21 that granted $13.4 million to Northern Michigan University for the project.

Northern Michigan University can begin schematic designs of its planned Northern Enterprise Center thanks to the approval of funds from Governor Gretchen Whitmer. The university submitted its capital outlay request, as is required of public universities in the state of Michigan, in order to make known the projects it seeks funding for. As the request was approved, the Northern Enterprise Center project is now underway.

According to an article on Northern Michigan University’s website, Brock Tessman, the president of Northern Michigan University, was quoted as saying, “The Northern Enterprise Center's planned location in the heart of campus—as an addition to the C.B. Hedgcock Building—will bring students close to support operations with better access to advising, tutoring, first-generation student services and resources. It also provides greater access to faculty, whose offices are currently in Cohodas Hall, and creates opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration with other departments. We are thankful to Governor Whitmer and the Legislature, including Rep. Jenn Hill, for their support in allowing us to move forward with this important project.”

The Northern Enterprise Center will be home to the College of Business and to new learning spaces and offices that will bolster the university’s abilities to affect workforce and community development in the area. Included in this growth is the university’s internships and work scholars programs, which is aiding the local workforce and helping to address labor shortages.

Dean and Department Head Carol Johnson was quoted as saying of the development, "My faculty and I are thrilled with the news of capital outlay funding for a College of Business space. This appropriation will benefit our students and enable the college to deliver a state-of-the-art business education and programming. It is transformational."

Graduate assistants Rob McCormick and Jonas Vorbau issued a joint statement commenting on what they see as the immense benefits the Northern Enterprise Center will provide, saying, “Working behind the scenes with the College of Business, we have seen firsthand the dedication and passion that each member brings to the NMU campus. The facilities and technology that support the incredible faculty and staff should act as a tool for offering the best education possible to students. Any forward-thinking organization must invest in technology and facilities that evolve with the company to meet the needs of employees and consumers alike. A space unique to the College of Business that offers improved collaborative spaces, educational spaces and current technology will be extremely beneficial to the faculty and students.”

The project is likely at least two years away from completion, as the next steps include seeking construction authorization and the actual construction itself.

For more information about Northern Michigan University, visit the school’s website.

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