Freed-Hardeman University student scholarships will go further thanks to church scholarship matching by the University

The university has committed to matching scholarships awarded to students by churches up to $2,500.

Freed-Hardeman University has introduced its Church Scholarship Matching Program, which will help students get their education at a slightly lessened cost. Students who have been awarded scholarships from churches will find that the FHU Church Scholarship Matching Program will match their awarded funds up to $2,500.

According to an article on Freed-Hardeman University’s website, David R. Shannon, who is the University’s president, said of the program, “The FHU Church Scholarship Matching Program exemplifies our commitment to local congregations and the work they have done to encourage students toward Christian education at FHU. FHU is committed to making higher education accessible and affordable while strengthening the bonds between students and their local congregations. We are dedicated to supporting our students’ academic journeys and empowering them to achieve their dreams.”

The matching program is intended to help students’ scholarships from their churches go even further, reducing financial burdens that may stand in the way of them pursuing their education. The Church Scholarship Matching Program is stackable, meaning students who have been awarded more than one church scholarship will see the matching for each eligible scholarship, and is renewable for up to four years. 

The requirements of the program include that the churches must be partner organizations with FHU, the scholarship must come from a legitimate scholarship fund within the church, and students must meet GPA requirements to benefit from the matching program.

For more information about Freed-Hardeman University, visit the school’s website.

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