Mount Vernon Nazarene University’s preschool received $76,400 grant to improve its classroom resources

The grant comes from the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services.

The preschool at Mount Vernon Nazarene University is now better equipped to provide its students with tools and toys for ever-important social-emotional learning concepts thanks to a grant provided by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services.

According to an article on Mount Vernon Nazarene University’s website, Dr. Jessica Grubaugh, who is the Associate Dean for the Jetter School of Professional Studies, discussed the importance of the new purchases made for the preschool, saying, “The new social-emotional resources give students the opportunity to identify and regulate their emotions, promoting healthy relationships among peers. Sensory and dramatic play activities/equipment stimulate creativity, enhance understanding and make the learning experience more enjoyable.”

Kelly Gumm, who is the director of the Esther Jetter Preschool, added, “As preschool children grow and develop, they become interested in interactive play with others. Learning social emotional skills through play helps them navigate relationship building, take turns and share, become aware of other people’s feelings, collaborate, compromise, problem solve, learn self-control, etc. Strong social emotional skills will help build a strong foundation for school and life success.”

Among the purchases made with the grant money are sensory resources like toys and play mats, televisions to utilize instructional videos and movement exercises, and stereos, headphones, and wifi boosters. The technology additions to the classrooms will help students who may not have access to these items at home be able to enjoy more modes of learning in their classrooms. 

The remaining funds from the grant will go toward recruiting new teachers and providing staff with additional development opportunities. 

For more information about Mount Vernon Nazarene University, visit the school’s website.

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