Dance program at Anderson University to get a revamped instructional space thanks to Avis Foundation grant

The $250,000 grant will be used to renovate and expand the dance studio in Krannert Hall.

Anderson University has received a $250,000 grant from the Avis Foundation to make upgrades and enhancements to its Dance program.

This new grant, according to an article on Anderson University's website, will renovate the Wilson Gallery in Krannert Hall into a dance studio for the Dance program. The Wilson Gallery will be relocated to the Department of Communication and Design Arts.

John S. Pistole, who is the president of Anderson University, discussed the grant, saying, “We are honored to receive this generous grant from the Avis Foundation to help us expand and improve our award-winning dance program. We appreciate the intentionality of the Avis Foundation leadership in making this investment in AU as we live out our mission statement of ‘educating students for a life of faith and service,’ including in the arts.”

Dr. Jeff Wright, who is the dean emeritus and musical theater and theater coordinator, added, “Through the years, we have built a unique and strong community in the performing arts, bringing together students and faculty members who are committed to transforming the world through their faith and artistry. The performing arts at AU is transformative for students and audiences alike.”

The layout of the current Wilson Gallery will lend itself well to becoming a dance studio. It has high ceilings and large rooms, and is closely located to the offices of the dance instructors. Other empty spaces in Krannert Hall will be renovated to become shared rehearsal spaces for dance and musical theater students.

The Avis Foundation is a charitable organization that makes monetary gifts to those organizations that focus on arts, education, entrepreneurship, or autism. This is not the first time the Avis Foundation has awarded Anderson University with a grant; in 2020, the Foundation awarded the university with a three-year grant to create a Student Enrichment program in the Center for Security Studies and Cyber Defense.

For more information about Anderson University, visit the school’s website.

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