West Shore Community College opens new broadcast studio

West Shore Community College worked with a local church and faculty to design and build a new broadcast studio for live streaming events, helping instructors record lectures, and more.

Students at West Shore Community College in Michigan now have access to a newly built video broadcast studio on the school’s campus.

In an article on West Shore’s website, the director of performing arts and professor of music, Ted Malt, was quoted on the development of the broadcast studio, saying, “In response to the pandemic, we moved all of our live performances online during the 2020 season. With significant viewership from across the globe we saw an opportunity not only for online performances, but new tools for online education, programming and marketing.”

The studio is packed with enough equipment to be used in many different ways. It has livestream capabilities for live performances, as well as equipment that will allow faculty to record and edit lectures. Instructors will also be able to use the studio’s remote capabilities to film and livestream from anywhere there is a cell phone signal, they will also be able to use the set in the studio to record and stream interviews in a professional looking setting. Center Stage Theater has also seen the addition of a new audio booth and a multitrack recording system as well as several cameras and monitors placed around the theater. 

West Shore Community College performing arts and production manager Adam Knudsen and Professor Malt partnered with local Radiant Church, which has designed their own custom video production system, to develop the layout for the school’s studio. The construction of the studio was a collaborative effort between several other campus departments, such as Maintenance and IT. 

Jerry Theis, who serves as the lead pastor at Radiant Church, spoke about his reaction to the end product, saying, “I was unsure of what it would look like working with a community college on a project, and I couldn’t be happier with what a wonderful experience it has been. Ted and the team at WSCC have built an incredible facility and I look forward to seeing what is produced in the years to come.”

For more information about the broadcast studio, or to get involved with volunteering for livestream events, Professor Malt can be contacted at tmalt@westshore.edu.

The opening broadcast of the studio can be found at the school’s YouTube page.

More information about West Shore Community College can be found at the school’s website.

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