Tomorrow’s Teachers program at Indiana University Kokomo offers unique experiences for School of Education students

Courtney Brackett, a student at Indiana University Kokomo, shared her experiences in the Tomorrow’s Teachers program, and how it helped her decide exactly what career path to pursue.

Courtney Brackett, a student at Indiana University Kokomo, found that taking college classes while still a senior in high school has set herself up for success.

While she does not graduate until May, Brackett was part of the first group of students to take part in the Tomorrow’s Teachers program at Indiana University Kokomo. The program allows high school students to take college classes through the School of Education at their high school while in their junior and senior years.

In an article on the school’s website, Brackett talked about the benefits of participating in the Tomorrow’s Teachers program, saying, “I grew a lot, and without that program, I don’t think I would have been prepared for college. I made that first mistake of not following my syllabus, and I learned from it and never made that mistake again. My freshman year would have been rough if I hadn’t had the chance to try college with high school support.”

While participating in the program, Brackett was connected with Dean Leah Nellis, who helped her develop a focus within education. While Brackett knew that she wanted to work with children in an educational setting, she was not sure that being a teacher in a classroom would be a good fit. 

“I found myself lingering with the kids labeled as troublemakers, or the kids who have IEPs, but I knew special education wasn’t my place. I talked with Dean Nellis about what I was feeling, did some research, and found that school psychology is where I can do what I want, and support both teachers and students,” she said.

Nellis made arrangements for Brackett to be able to do a job shadow with a school psychologist. During their time together, she could ask questions and see first hand what the job entails. Since the job shadow experience, she is now applying for school psychology graduate programs. 

She went on to talk about her gratitude for the experience, saying, “I don’t think I would have gotten that at another school. Having that small class size, you know your faculty and the dean of your school by their first name. That’s really special for me.”

She is now in her last semester, and is participating in another School of Education experience that is quite unique. She is taking part in the teacher residency program which will allow her to student teach for a full year at Sweetser Elementary School while receiving a stipend, which will allow her to focus her energy on teaching, rather than an outside job.

“Having a year-long experience in a classroom before I go to graduate school is really appealing. When I am a school psychologist, I will know what it’s like to be the teacher in the classroom, and what support teachers need to help their students be successful. I want to be that support for both of them,” said Brackett.

In the fall semester, Brackett was able to watch her mentor teachers teach while slowly taking on more teaching duties in the classroom. Now she is leading classes, which is helping her to develop skills like classroom management, time management, and more.

She talked about the transition, saying, “Last semester I was the fun extra person, but now I’ve had to flip the switch and be the teacher. The first few days were hard, but it’s been a good experience.”

She then went on to talk about how the classes at IU Kokomo helped prepare her for this experience: “You can read a book about what to do with kids in a classroom, but the hands-on experiences with our practicums and now the teacher residency are really where you learn. Being with kids in a classroom is how you become a teacher. I’m really grateful for this opportunity.”

More information about the Tomorrow’s Teachers program and Indiana University Kokomo in general can be found at the school’s website.

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