New Washtenaw County program offers free and fast way to become a childcare teacher

With funding coming from many different places, Washtenaw Community College and Eastern Michigan University have teamed up to offer a fast and free way to become a childcare teacher to help alleviate the need for childcare professionals.

The need for more childcare professionals has led to a new program aimed at removing cost and time barriers associated with the certificates or degrees needed to become one.

Childcare centers, not only in Washtenaw County but across the state, are looking for employees like assistant and lead teachers. To help fill this need, Washtenaw Community College and Eastern Michigan University have decided to partner up to create a new program.

The program is made possible thanks to the funding from Washtenaw County and several third party sources such as Lake Trust Credit Union and the University of Michigan Credit Union. The Child Development Certificate Pipeline program through WCC and EMU will allow students to attain a Child Development Certificate that is recognized by Michigan Child Care Licensing.

The Child Development Certificate Pipeline Program has two semesters of online courses through Washtenaw Community College and two practicum semesters that will provide 240 of the required 480 hours that are needed to earn a child development associate credential.

The program will not disrupt the students’ ability to continue working in childcare and will be free to all Washtenaw County residents. After the two semesters at Washtenaw Community College, students will be given the choice to use their certificate to transfer to a bachelor’s degree program in Early Childhood Education at Eastern Michigan University, or use the certificate toward employment as a lead or assistant teacher at a child development center. 

Caroline Sanders, associate director of community relations and engagement for Eastern Michigan University, and also a Washtenaw County Commissioner, was quoted by MLive about the program, saying, “For those people that are already working in a childcare setting, it doesn’t disrupt their employment the way bachelor’s-seeking students would literally have to change their work schedule for in order to do their student teaching during the day. That’s one of the best parts, is that it’s not destabilizing daycare centers by pulling their employees away.”

The Child Development Certificate Pipeline Program was started as a pilot program back in 2020, but was stymied by the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Sanders. There are currently nine students enrolled in the program.

Santers noted that the program can accommodate around 20 students per year, and that she hopes the flexibility of the program will allow students to easily obtain the certificate that is needed for anyone who wants to start their own child care center and will be enticing to more students. 

The certificate is credit bearing, which means that the classes lead not only to a certificate but can also be transferable toward an associate or bachelor’s degree at Eastern Michigan University. This means that the program can be used by high school students or nontraditional students to get a jump on higher education. 

The Child Development Certificate Pipeline program requires that participants sign an agreement promising that they will continue working for their current employer for at least a year upon the completion of the program. Sanders said that this is to avoid destabilizing the current workforce.

Sanders reiterated the benefits of the program, saying, “This is an ideal opportunity to find a job at a child care center, be able to have your own child there in that center and be funded to continue your education.”

During the program, students will be given coaching from a Washtenaw Community College instructor through video chats who will provide feedback on their work both in class and at their place of employment while completing their two 120 hour practicums.

Students will also complete a virtual four credit class each semester which will be focused on the eight CDA competency areas: Child Guidance, Communication, Cognitive Development, Working with Families, Professionalism, Learning Environment, Safety, and Health.

So far the program has seen students from a variety of different backgrounds, from students who have raised a family and want to get back into the workforce to students who have just graduated from high school. 

Beth Marshall, a professor of Early Childhood Education at Washtenaw Community College, spoke about this diversity, saying, “We also have some students who have been working in the field for a while, but don’t have any higher education or any certifications, so they’re realizing that they would like to learn more about what are good practices and what are high quality practices.”

The program takes around ten months to complete, and costs nothing for residents of Washtenaw County. Some students are funded in the program thanks to Michigan Works! Southeast. 

The $30,000 initial funding award was provided to the pilot program through Washtenaw County, with more funding coming through community partners to help pay for the courses which would normally cost $1,500 per student with the certification test costing $500.

The program is riding the wave of multiple different avenues that have become available for students who want to earn a certificate or associate degree at a community college. There have also been several startup grants that have been made available thanks to Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s $100 million Caring for MI Future initiative. By 2024 there is a goal of opening or expanding 1,000 new childcare facilities, and these programs can help ease the cost of doing so. 

“This certificate is typically required for anyone that wants to open their own child care center in their home. We’re trying to make this a very holistic experience for people coming in the door and then exiting out with that national certification,” said Sanders.

More information about Eastern Michigan University can be found here.

More information about Washtenaw Community College can be found here.

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