Transfer Pathways to the Liberal Arts signing ceremony includes Tiffin University

Tiffin University recently participated in the Ohio Consortium for Transfer Pathways to the Liberal Arts signing ceremony. Twenty-five higher education institutions were involved.

Recently, Tiffin University was included in the Ohio Consortium for Transfer Pathways to the Liberal Arts signing ceremony with 24 other two- and four-year higher education institutions. The event recognized schools that have worked to standardize transfer pathways for students studying psychology, English, and biology that are consistent with the guidelines set up by the Ohio Guaranteed Transfer Pathways program.

Back in June of 2021, the Teagle Foundation and Arthur Vining Davis Foundations awarded a $400,000 grant to the Council of Independent College to fund the building of transfer pathways to independent Ohio colleges from community colleges, along with generally improving the transfer culture at institutions throughout Ohio.

Tiffin University Provost and Chief Academic Officer Dr. Peter J. Holbrook was quoted in the Advertiser-Tribune on the work the school is doing in this area, saying, "As an institution that already has a transfer pathway through the DragonNext program in collaboration with Terra State Community College, I am pleased that Tiffin University will now be continuing this work on a broader scale,. This will allow both TU and other Ohio colleges to streamline the process for thousands of students, thus making higher education more accessible."

More information about TIffin University can be found at the school’s website.

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