Henry Ford College students to receive guaranteed enrollment to University of Michigan-Dearborn

A new partnership between the University of Michigan-Dearborn and Henry Ford College will provide a pathway to associate and bachelor’s degrees for qualifying HFC students.

The University of Michigan-Dearborn and Henry Ford College have announced a new partnership for guaranteed-enrollment with the goal of advancing academic success and financial prosperity in Michigan.

The program is called Learn4ward, and will allow for qualified Henry Ford College students to attend the University of Michigan-Dearborn to earn both an associate and a bachelor’s degree in four to six years. The program supports Michigan’s statewide 60x30 goal, which aims to have 60% of Michiganders either with professional credentials or a college degree by 2030. The 60x30 goal operates under the idea that college degrees lead to better salaries and career opportunities which would lead to a better statewide economy overall.

Learn4ward was launched at an event on October 24 at Kochoff Hall at the University of Michigan-Dearborn’s main campus. The event was open to the public and was attended by U of M-Dearborn President Russell Kavalhuna and U of M-Dearborn Chancellor Domenico Grasso, who signed the agreement and spoke about what it will mean for the two schools, students, and community moving forward.

Other community members were in attendance, including Dearborn Mayor Adbullah Hammoud, Dearborn Heights Mayor Bill Bazzi, Randy Strawsine from the STEM division of the Ford Motor Company, Sandy Baruah and Greg Handel from the Detroit Chamber of Commerce, and more. All were in attendance to show community support for the partnership, and underscore its importance for the state.

The Arab American News quoted President Kavalhuna as he spoke about the partnership: “Learn4ward is a great example of bringing together the best of Michigan community colleges and universities to support student success. This partnership also represents a great return on taxpayer dollars. Students will graduate with two relevant, high-quality, affordable degrees. They will be well prepared for in-demand jobs and to lead our state into a competitive, thriving future.”

The Learn4ward plan will let students begin their secondary education at Henry Ford College and easily transfer to the University of Michigan-Dearborn with guaranteed admission, providing that some qualifications have been met. Those students will then earn an associate degree and a bachelor’s degree in four to six years. The program will allow for students to access the resources available at both schools and their campuses such as the facilities and student services.

Students can spend up to three years at both schools for a total of six; it is possible to study full time and earn their degrees in four. While Learn4ward is not the only way for students to transfer from Henry Ford college to the University of Michigan-Dearborn, it is one of the more seamless ways, and is actively being promoted and supported by both schools.

Students using the Learn4ward pathway will begin their secondary education at Henry Ford College and will be given their guaranteed admission to the University of Michigan-Dearborn as long as they have taken at least 60 credit hours with a minimum GPA of 2.75. Students who complete these requirements will be granted junior status when they begin taking classes at U of M-Dearborn.

Students enrolled at Henry Ford College will be able to earn degrees such as an Associate of Business, Associate of Science, or an Associate of the Arts, along with some other degrees or certificates. Attending U of M-Dearborn will allow those students to continue their studies and earn Bachelor’s degrees in those fields.

Students who take advantage of the Learn4ward program will be allowed to access benefits such as a seamless degree plan that will be guided by advisors to minimize tuition costs by eliminating unnecessary classes. Students can also take advantage of low or free tuition at Henry Ford College with the school’s three-year tuition freeze. Transfer students can apply for certain scholarships for the University of Michigan-Dearborn that, if granted, would reduce the tuition costs of the school, up to free tuition. There will also be other scholarship funds available to students who join the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society at Henry Ford College.

Some of the resources and activities available to enrolled Henry Ford College students at the University of Michigan-Dearborn include early enrollment to U of M-Dearborn classes, free access to recreational areas, athletic and cultural events, free access to the library and its resources at both schools, and free career support services at both schools, which will help students with internships, job preparation, and other opportunities. 

U of M-Dearborn Chancellor Domenico Grasso was also quoted by The Arab American News, making his case for the Learn4ward program: “Learn4ward is good for students and good for Michigan’s economy. Henry Ford College and U of M-Dearborn have a deep history in partnering in ways to best support students of southeast Michigan. By providing additional wraparound support and a seamless, laser-focused path to a Michigan degree, we are preparing students to graduate on time into good-paying jobs while supporting our state’s vital workforce goals and for many students, helping to change the trajectory of their lives.”

More information about Henry Ford College and the University of Michigan-Dearborn can be found at their respective websites.

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