Kalamazoo Valley Community College to announce apprenticeship agreement with the Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and Millwrights

Apprentices who complete journeyman certification training at Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and Millwrights’ training center will be approved for Kalamazoo Valley Community College credit.

An apprenticeship agreement between Kalamazoo Valley Community College and the Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and Millwrights will be announced that will provide Kalamazoo Valley class credit for apprentices who obtain journeyman certification at the Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and Millwrights training center. The official announcement will be made and signed at a media event on November 11 from 2 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.at the Wayland training center.

This partnership between the MRCC and Kalamazoo Valley Community College will offer new opportunities to local apprentices in the area who are looking to move up in the construction industry. Hundreds of local workers will be able to take advantage of this partnership.

In a quote from Yahoo News, Kalamazoo Valley President L. Marshall Washington, Ph.D. spoke on how this partnership advances the mission of the school, saying, "Kalamazoo Valley works to ensure high academic quality and encourages student achievement. We have found a worthy partner in our shared commitment to this goal in the MRCC. We are pleased to provide this opportunity for apprentices who complete their journeyman certificate."

The signing/media event will take place during National Apprenticeship Week, which is a project put forth by the U.S. Department of Labor to promote the apprenticeship role as an introduction to the workforce for young people. More information about National Apprenticeship Week can be found on the National Apprenticeship Week website.

For more information about the Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and Millwrights, head to its website.

More information about Kalamazoo Valley COmmunity College can be found at the school’s website.

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