Baker College set to bring Augmented Reality technology to multiple courses by the Fall 2021 semester

A $25 million grant from EON Reality will fund an Augmented Reality platform at Baker College that will enhance learning across departments beginning this fall, with a full Virtual Reality set-up in the works.

Baker College is the recipient of a five-year, $25 million grant from EON Reality which will allow faculty to engage students in immersive learning experiences through the free EON-XR app. The content created by faculty will also be freely available to anyone who downloads the app. Lessons will be available across disciplines and will allow users to travel virtually to far-off destinations, or see the inner workings of everything from car engines to the human heart. 

In a news release from Baker College, Baker College Provost Dr. Jill Langen talked about the trend in higher education to provide a more interactive learning experience and the college's eagerness to stay at the front of these changes. "Baker College has remained successful over the last century by continually adapting to the evolving educational landscape and changing needs and expectations of our students. Incorporating Augmented Reality into our curriculum, and making it accessible to every single student with a cell phone or laptop, is the next step in our evolution," Langen said, adding, "The trends in higher education all point to less passive learning models and more individualized, technology-driven experiences. Through our grant and partnership with EON Reality, we're making sure Baker College is at the forefront of what's ahead."

The grant from EON Reality will also fund a virtual reality system on campus with VR goggles to offer more options for enhanced immersive learning. Baker says the initial EON-XR rollout will bring immersive learning opportunities to around 6,000 course seats across multiple departments like health sciences and information technology, along with some general education courses. 

EON Reality selected Baker College for the competitive grant based on criteria that examined curriculum design, online learning expertise, and faculty readiness. The founder of EON Reality, Dan Lejerskar, said, "While many of our efforts have been focused on expanding EON-XR around the world, it's always nice to be able to provide the same top-notch solutions to a new American partner in an area we haven't reached before. By working with Baker College, we know that we'll be able to positively influence lives all across Michigan, as their reach is unparalleled in that regard. This is truly EON Reality's opportunity to help teach and train the future of Michigan's workforce."

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