Eastern Kentucky University to collaborate with Kentucky Geological Survey on CLIMBS project

The university will be joining seven others to work alongside the Kentucky Geological Survey on the Climate Resilience through Multidisciplinary Big Data Learning, Prediction and Building Response Systems (CLIMBS) initiative to examine the state’s vulnerability in the event of climate disasters.

Eastern Kentucky University has become involved in the Climate Resilience through Multidisciplinary Big Data Learning, Prediction and Building Response Systems (CLIMBS) initiative which was funded via the National Science Foundation’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (NSF EPSCoR). Eastern Kentucky University will work with the Kentucky Geological Survey and seven other universities, including the University of Kentucky, University of Louisville, Western Kentucky University, Northern Kentucky University, Morehead State University, and Thomas More University, to examine the state’s ability to navigate climate and weather disasters.

According to an article on Eastern Kentucky University’s website, Dr. Estifanos Haile, who is an associate professor of hydrology and hydrogeology at EKU, explained the project by saying, “Through CLIMBS, we want to learn how artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data could be used to understand climate processes or mitigate natural disasters. Another goal is preparing a climate-ready workforce in Kentucky.” He added, “This initiative is not just about immediate education; it's about fostering long-term solutions for Kentucky's future.”

For its role in the CLIMBS project, Eastern Kentucky University will focus on recruiting students who come from Appalachia and those who are first-generation college students to become scientists who can help address the needs of the community. To accomplish this, Eastern Kentucky University has two projects that will help interest students in the field as well as provide hands-on opportunities to explore climate science. One of these projects, the Enviro Pods outreach program, will establish summer camps for local K-12 students that will provide climate science education. The other, the Learning Hub program, will place undergraduate students at the other partner institutions to become trained in certain applicable areas. Eastern Kentucky University will train the students it is responsible for on topics like assessing water quality and analyzing other environmental data.

David McFaddin, the president of Eastern Kentucky University, was quoted as saying, “As the number one institution for Kentucky employment, we recognize our important role in preparing graduates to serve our state’s communities in meaningful ways. Our participation in the CLIMBS project highlights our success in developing a workforce ready to address the needs of the Commonwealth.”

For more information about Eastern Kentucky University, visit the school’s website.

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