Capital University introduces program to match tuition for transfer students

The Tuition Transfer Match program is in effect for the Fall 2024 semester and will give transfer students the opportunity to pay the same amount in tuition at Capital University as they would at their previous institution.

Capital University has introduced a new program intended to make it easier and more affordable for students to transfer to the university in order to continue their educational journey. The Tuition Transfer Match program will match the net tuition rate for eligible students transferring from another institution to Capital University.

According to an article on Capital University’s website, David L. Kaufman, the university’s president, explained the reasoning for the new program, saying, “The pathway to a four-year degree is no longer linear. Students come with college credits earned while they were in high school, while some may start college then need to leave and re-enroll later in life, and others may have earned an associate’s degree then wish to transfer to a four-year institution.” He went on to add, “At Capital, we want to prioritize the needs of our transfer students and meet them where they are in their lives by improving access to and affordability of a four-year degree.”

The Transfer Tuition Match program takes into account any scholarships students earned at their previous college or university, meaning transferring to Capital University will be as affordable as continuing at their old school would be. Additionally, transfer students are eligible for the Main Street Scholarship, which provides at least $20,000 annually to transfer students. 

In order to be eligible for the program, students must be accepted into Capital University and be new to the university, as well as be coming from a private, non-profit college or university in the state of Ohio. 

For more information about Capital University, visit the school’s website.

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