Fairmont State University to hold series of seminars on financial literacy thanks to $7,000 grant

The Fairmont State Foundation recently announced receiving a $7,000 grant from the Truist West Virginia Foundation in order to host a series of seminars for students and the community on a number of financial literacy topics and skill sets.

Recently, the Fairmont State Foundation announced that it had received a $7,000 grant from the Truist West Virginia Foundation. The purpose of the gift was to support a series of seminars for Fairmont State students and staff on financial literacy. Members of the surrounding community are invited, as well. 

In an article about the grant, the President of the Fairmont State Foundation, Anne Bolyard, was quoted about the first, saying, “The Truist West Virginia Foundation continues to demonstrate their enduring commitment to preparing for the future of Fairmont State University and our state while also working to improve our present. These seminars will have a positive effect on the lives of our students, our university, as well as our communities.” 

Financial literacy has recently increased in the public consciousness’ awareness, and is seen as an important skill for students. Financial literacy equips people with the skills and intelligence needed to adequately manage their personal finances and make informed decisions about their money, budget their income responsibly, avoid being financially scammed, invest prudently, plan for the future, effectively manage their debt, and improve the overall economic health of their household. When people have this financial knowledge and skill set, they tend to find themselves less stressed, more independent, and with a higher overall quality of life, according to the aforementioned article.

The seminars funded by the grant will cover topics like insurance choices, health and financial benefits, tax preparation, budgeting, housing loans and leases, credit cards, and banking. The stated goal of this series of seminars is to educate participants such that they will be able to make better financial decisions in the future.

Fairmont State University’s Office of Financial Aid and the College of Business & Aviation will both be organizing the seminars, and both of which will then go on to expand upon their extant financial literacy programming. Both of these offices will also collect and utilize feedback and data from these seminars in order to bolther the program moving into the future.

Courtney Pack, who serves as the Executive Director of the Truist West Virginia Foundation, was quoted about the importance of these efforts, saying, “Financial literacy is key focus area of the Truist West Virginia Foundation. All people and communities should have an equal opportunity to thrive. Through our partnership with innovative organizations like Fairmont State Foundation, and a refined focus on supporting key areas, the communities we serve have a chance for a better quality of life. The Truist West Virginia Foundation is pleased to support this financial literacy initiative. We believe the Truist West Virginia Foundation contribution to Fairmont State Foundation will help make a difference in the lives of many.” 

More information about the Truist West Virginia Foundation can be found at the organization’s website.

More information about Fairmont State University can be found at the school’s website.

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