National Science Foundation grant to give Northern Kentucky University students opportunity to research baboons in Kenya

The $257,596 grant from the National Science Foundation will give Monica Wakefield, who is the director of the Anthropology and Evolutionary Studies programs, the opportunity to research juvenile primates.

Northern Kentucky University’s Monica Wakefield, who directs the university’s Anthropology and Evolutionary Studies programs, has received a $257,596 grant from the National Science Foundation to conduct research on adversity in juvenile primates’ early lives, research that Wakefield says will lead to more understanding of human childhood, as well. The grant funding will provide the opportunity for Northern Kentucky University students to become involved in the project through summer field seasons at research sites in Kenya starting next year, as well as on-campus research opportunities each semester.

According to an article on Northern Kentucky University’s website, Wakefield explained the project and the impact it will have on students at the university. She said, “For me, this research is not only about unraveling the complexities of early social development in primates, but also about connecting these insights to broader questions of human evolution. It’s a privilege to mentor the next generation of researchers, and I’m excited to see how our findings will contribute to both scientific knowledge and student growth at NKU.”

The project will involve visiting field sites in Kenya to study baboons, including their social skills and patterns, and how adversity and stress in their childhoods affect them. Research opportunities for undergraduate students at Northern Kentucky University will include site visits wherein students will be tracking cortisol levels of the primates and following them around as they go about their day to see how their social skills and patterns develop. These site visits will occur at the site of the Uaso Ngiro Baboon Project, of which Wakefield is the co-director.

On campus at Northern Kentucky University, students will be able to get some valuable research experience as part of the project, as well. Students will be able to analyze and examine the data that is collected on site in Kenya. 

For more information about Northern Kentucky University, visit the school’s website.

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