Cedarville University enters into Educational Partnership Agreement with NSA

A partnership with the National Security Agency will give Cedarville University the opportunity to prepare students to become cybersecurity professionals.

A new Educational Partnership Agreement has been made between Cedarville University and the National Security Agency. The partnership will give Cedarville University students and faculty members the opportunity to learn from experts employed by the NSA.

According to an article on Cedarville University’s website, Dr. Seth Hamman, who is a professor of cyber operations and computer science at the university, explained the nature of the EPA, saying, The EPA will allow our students to benefit from training provided by NSA subject matter experts. Having access to leading professionals will prepare our students for internships and post-graduation employment.”

The EPA expands upon an already established relationship between Cedarville University and the NSA. In 2018, Cedarville University became a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Operations, which is a credential that only 20 other schools in the United States hold.

Jack Byerley will serve as the liaison between the school and the NSA. Byerley graduated from Cedarville University in 2020 and now works for the NSA. As liaison, he will present students with mentoring opportunities, training, and employment opportunities.

Of the partnership between his employer and his alma mater, Byerley said, “Since Cedarville became NSA accredited when I was a student, I have been interested in furthering the relationship between the agency and the university. Now, as one of the first NSA hires out of Cedarville’s cyber program, God has graciously allowed me to be the NSA’s academic liaison to my alma mater.”

Dr. Hamman commented, “Jack initiated this EPA process as a more formal way for us to partner together. It is a joy to see our graduates be successful and value the education they received at Cedarville so highly. Jack’s enthusiastic service will bring great benefits to both organizations.”

For more information about Cedarville University, visit the school’s website.

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