Bluffton University and The University of Findlay announce planned merger

The two universities have announced they expect the merging of the two schools to be completed by Fall 2025.

It was announced at a press conference that the presidents of Bluffton University and The University of Findlay have signed a memorandum of understanding stating their intention to merge the two universities into one institution. The two campuses, situated 20 miles apart from each other, would become two campuses of the same institution. The merger was approved by each university’s Board of Trustees. If regulatory approval is given, it will be completed in the fall of 2025.

According to an article on Bluffton University’s website, Dr. Katherine Fell, who serves as the president of The University of Findlay, explained that the decision comes from the current landscape of higher education. She is quoted as saying, “We’re all aware that higher education is facing significant changes and challenges. These times call upon us to be innovative and forward-thinking. From a vantage point in the future, we will look back at this moment in the history of higher education as one that required new approaches and bold actions. I believe this merger will prove to be both.”

Dr. Fell explained that the benefits of the partnership were explored beforehand thanks to grant funding the schools received. “We are pleased to have received funding from the Transformational Partnerships Fund, which provides support for institutions of higher education to explore student-centric partnerships. This grant was used to support a third-party due diligence report assessing the benefits and risks of a merger,” she said.

While the two schools are planning to merge their operations, certain aspects of each campus community will remain unchanged. Each campus may still follow its own culture and traditions. If the merger is approved by the NCAA, The University of Findlay would continue playing its sports as the Oilers in Division II, and the Bluffton University Beavers would continue in Division III. Additionally, the schools plan to retain their church affiliations. Bluffton University is affiliated with Mennonite Church USA and The University of Findlay is affiliated with Churches of God, General Conference.

The approval process could take a year to 15 months, and the schools will continue operating as they currently do until the approval is complete. 

Both university presidents are confident that the merger will be a boon for students, faculty, and the community as a whole.

“All year, Findlay has been talking about our strong roots and bright future. Both Findlay and Bluffton have immensely strong roots, and together we can have a brighter future. Together, we can establish an even stronger premier institution of higher education in Northwest Ohio,” said Dr. Fell.

Dr. Jane Wood, who serves as the president of Bluffton University, echoed these sentiments, saying, “Our early interactions have made clear that we share a commitment to preparing generations of students to find and live out their callings. By combining the best of pre-professional and liberal arts programs, our institutions will become even better at equipping future students to discover and to research what will ultimately bring meaning and purpose to their lives. We are stronger together.” 

For more information about Bluffton University, visit the school’s website.

For more information about The University of Findlay, visit the school’s website.

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